Monday 12 January 2015

Pride II

I am too proud to even notice
When I am having to much of a thing
"Fined honey, and eat just enough,
Because if you have too much,
It can turn into a bad thing" he said

And I never got it
But I always thought I had grasped it
Only those who are too proud
Will tell you otherwise
Because they are top of the egos list

I have been more than dipping a finger
Into my fathers cookie jar
I have taken to his wealth too
Only to find that its a whole I can never film
No matter how hard I have tried

Now, more than lost is I
Where I am headed I can only speculate
But what I do know is
I no longer know what I am searching for
I am like a drone, wondering in the dark

On many occasions pride got the best of me
And I am going to have to let it all go
If I am going to move on with my life
Because it has got the best of me
And shares it with the wrong crowd


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