Monday 16 January 2017

All by myself

But not afraid to move on

But not afraid to keep traveling

Wishing I was still with you

But I am not
For I have lost you

The only one who took  their time
To try and polish a rough diamond like me

And so today, I feel hurt
For I hurt the one I love

I feel lost
Trying to find a new direction without you

And the journey has gotten lonesome
Without someone to travel it with me

And so today I make peace with myself
Letting the tears roll down my eyes

In symbolism for my loss
For I am not sure, if I will ever have it again

I said I am hurt
For you are not by my side

I am lost
For the thought of you, gave me direction

Bit now I am alone
For I have to now

Walk this journey
All by myself again

#Peace. 16/01/17