Tuesday 17 January 2017

tears on my Page

Tears on my page
Wiping them off
With the sleeves of my shirt

I paint this picture for you
So that you may understand
Sometimes its what we don't show you

That makes us strong
For in the cover of darkness
We let ourselves go

We merge with the oneness
As we become the void
In order to know

How to fill it up again
For long has it since been
That it has seen light

Vibrations of life

If any
To be

For how could we ever be
If we weren't already
In the first place.

Tears on my page
Courage to let go
To have no fear

For I know
I am stronger now
Then I could have ever been

And so
When the sun rises
I pick myself up

Before you could ever see
That I was down
I carry on with my journey

But what journey is it
That the only peace I feel
Is when I am asleep.

Tears on my page
Of a man with no fear
And a determined look on his face

For he knows where he is going
He understands where he is coming from
And he won't stop until he is on top

That is where
He is destined to be

#Peace. 30/12/16
Tears on my page by erL™

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