Monday 19 January 2015

erL is...

ErL is, Eternal Reality of Living
For how can we even go on
When we are not alive

ErL is, Eternity_Reality_Life
For the soul is eternal
Reality what binds us here
But it can't change that we are alive

ErL is, Everyones Realm of Living
For we are chained to this mental plane
With only one way of getting out

ErL is, an Existence Roaming Life source
For existence is timeless
Though destined to roam this time frame
But we are an eternal life source

ErL is, exiting this Real of Living
For I spent my life trying to escape
And now I have found the way out

ErL is, Everything Ruling out Limitations
We have none
We just put borders in our minds
All we have to do is transcend them

ErL is, Eternal Reality of Living
I am alive, we are alive
We are just not united


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