Saturday 17 January 2015


I am going to say goodbye
Because sometimes a hello is not sufficient enough

I am going to make my way
Because sometimes following yours I get lost

I am going to do it for me
Because sometimes you are never satisfied

I am going to put myself first
Because I had forgotten I was an individual too

Call me how you like
For that is you perception of me

Treat me how you like
Because that's how you feel inside

What you do for you
Shall never matter in my books

For I am putting myself first
Not to say anyone shall never be second

I am going to fight for what is mine
Because you could never do that for me

No matter how hard you try
This is something you can't change in me

For I am an individual
And my needs come first

And when we are united
That love shall resonate from inside

Like the opening of the third eye
I will see with my eyes closed

So I am going to say goodbye
So that I can say hello to happiness

I am going to make it my way
Not to say your way is a failure

I am going to do things for me
For they are done ultimately for us

I am going to put my journey first
For I am travelling it alone

If this is not what you wanted
Than kindly set yourself free from me

For I am am individual
And I follow that individual path

And the day we become united
I will resonate love to you from inside


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