Saturday 17 January 2015

awakened generation

We are the awakened generation
And freedom is what we want
We are the peaceful generation
To be free is what we need

No longer will we conform by your ways
When you do not conform by them either
We want to be us and not you
For we are individuals too

No more can we take it in silence
For we are hushed when we speak
Is it a crime to speak the truth
Or is it too hard for you to swallow

Set us free like once caged swallows
So that our wings can touch the sky
And feel the wind beneath our feet
Let us once again be free

The children of our youth lost by your ways
Trying to find light on a darkened tunnel
Can't you see you have robbed us of our sight
By leading us in the wrong direction

I see now for I have glanced back into my future
And seen heaven in the form of a shadow
Hidden deep beneath my feet
I will guide those of you who will follow

For we are the awakened generation
And freedom is what we want
We are the peaceful generation
Our freedom we shall regain

No longer shall we sit on the sideline and wait
For you put yourself first and us last
But we are your leaders for we have that power
Wants of the few and needs of the many

We shall right your wrongs
Not to say you were never right
But we shall make it out alive
Even in our death we shall fight

For freedom is our name
Peace is our religion
For we are the love generation
And we are going to fight for what is right


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