Tuesday 13 January 2015

just us

Forgive me for I intruded in you life
Its not by fate that I know you
Nor is it by chance, that I have gotten to love you
It was all meant to be

Compromises we have made
To suit our relationship, I no longer do this for you
You think twice before you say that to me
Lets face it, we a perfect together, better than ever

A shame it would be if I was to loose you
But because everything that begins has to end
I pray our end is not near because our love has just begun
I hope that is what you pray for before you go to sleep

To tell the truth, not that I would ever lie
I have never met someone who is just like you
It might not be easy to get used to loving you
But its always worth the try

So, as you glance into my eyes and I glance back
You should know by now, only you can make me happy
No one has the right to do so except you
For I give you my heart to pamper in your soul

Mistakes I have made and you also have made too
But as long as we have each other
They do not harm, just like the obstacles in between us do
So have faith in me, for I will always love you

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