Wednesday 14 January 2015

its a bug life

Its a bugs life
So pray I don't accidentally step on you
Without even knowing it
For its a bugs life

Born in a rat race
Watching life speed through
Maybe I should drive slow
For life is a marathon and not a sprint

Its a bugs life
Pray you don't die in a cocoon
Before you can spread your wings like a butterfly
And fly free showing of your beauty

I was born in a rat race
Now I am praying to drive slow
But life is passing me by
In a convoy of emotions and disappointments

If life is a bugs life
I am praying they don't spray me with pesticides
For I am just trying to eat
Because I am trying to survive this rat race

Its a bugs life
Speeding faster than a rat race
And I am standing here
Checking for the bugs I accidentally squashed


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