Monday 12 January 2015


Pissed, because someone turned of the lights
And even more angrier
To the fact that I was enjoying my high
And now I have to contend with
The reality that life has
Gone down the drain
And I have done nothing
To catch that last drop
Before mankind
Milks himself dry
I am human
And that I cannot deny
My scares bare testimony to
My ups and downs
My heart ache and pains
Joys and sorrow
Someone on the inside
Others on the outside
I am human
That I cannot deny
For I have fallen in love in this place
And have lost sight
Of what is important
Its true beauty I never see
I never get to feel
For it feels like
It has gone artificial
Too flavourant on some episodes
But who is writing the script
Whose directing, whose on production
And can someone tell me who is freaking editing
Because I am damn pissed
Why do things have to be like this
Its not a question of the past
Because its here in there present
Plotting an uncertain future
And I can't help but think back
I never intended to be here
Though I never planed to be here either
Than its by default
A lack of choice if one was to say
And that would mean I have
More than a solution
But the means to get out of here
And if I am not mistaken
Its not a path mere man walk upon
Though many have starred down its face
Only to shy away last minute
I will from this day forward
Start creating a path
Beating down its unbeaten bush with a machatte
Creating a lasting legacy
Because from rags to riches
Is just a dream
But achieving your goals
Now that's a triumph
And like all triumphant victory's
How can I not succeed
When I have nothing to loose
Except pride itself


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