Wednesday 14 January 2015

love bundles

Love is not the love you give the one you love
But instead it is individually wrapped
And given to thee, the recipient
And so shall never be taken

This bundle of love, is wrapped in
Memory's good and bad
Of sadness and happiness
Of times cherished, or wished not to exist

This love I give to thee
Is for thy to keep eternally
Even as I move on
I do not leave with your bundle

And to thee that is to follow
I do not come empty handed
For though heartbroken and unloved
Only thee can help me give

For I will always have love
Individually packed for everyone
For me to give to all that I love
And me to receive from the recipient

Even though I give you yours
It does not mean that I am done
The past shall always be there
Thats why love dies slow

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