Thursday 15 January 2015


It takes being broke
To really know your worth
In some peoples books

It takes being hurt
To know who cares
Enough to make a difference

It takes some acting up
For people to even notice
That you are an individual too

Just sometimes
Because most of the times
We conform by their rules
And bend over backwards to thier regulations

But this time
I am making it a point
To steer clear of those situations
By doing whats best for me

Because sometimes
Locking yourself in your sanctuary
Crying the pain away
Doesn't heal your heartaches

Because sometimes
Dreaming for a better tomorrow
Starts with the courage to stand up
For what is rightfully yours

And this time
I am not taking no for an answer
Because a lot of times
I felt like it was not worth it

This time I am doing it for me
And no one else
Because no one ever did anything for me
Except if they got something in return of it


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