Wednesday 21 January 2015

power of love(loving thyself edition)

If I sold my soul than fine
They can keep it
As long as i have my heart
I will live
Live until my hearts content
I will live
Because its the one thats real
That they cannot change
That they will never deal in
Because its too strong
To it the mind is weak
And it can be bought
Moulded into a tool even
But you can't buy a heart
A humans soul yes if 'they' believe
But never a heart
Because it is unpredictable
I live through mine
I let it guide me
Love is my ruler
Love is my religion
It is self taught
No one ever tells it how to feel
Nor how to feel love
So if I sold my soul
Than they can gladly keep it
Because it means I didn't need it
But my heart I do
For it sets me free
Like an unseen clause
The fine print in the contract
So believe it you must
Or deny that its not real
But love is my teaching
And I will give it to thee
Though I still have to give some to myself
For I had denied myself love
But always gave it away freely
But it has to be seen
That from today I spread some on myself
Because I believe
I believe in the power of love
And the evil in me
Hates that I am aiming it at myself


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