Friday 23 January 2015


A tear a day
Makes the fear go away
But as the tears roll down my face
Know that they are not tears of joy or pain
And they are not fake for they are the tears of loss
I have lost my well being on earth
For the only person I cared for
My real reason for living on earth
Has left my side
Stopped the relationship that was meant to be
No one can replace what I have lost
There might be plenty of fish in the sea
But for every catch you make, there is always a difference
You were the difference in me
You changed me from a player
To a gentleman and a lover
I became a player hater
But now you are gone
And I need you back in my life
For my heart bleeds for you
Mistakes I have made
And I feel bad for what I done to you as my love
I broke your heart and threw it in a bottomless pit
Now I make you sick while at first I made you fit
Know that I will always love you and no one else
Together forever the love will never stop

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