Wednesday 21 January 2015

my happiest self

What makes me happy
I have never really known
But I have went in search of it

It, that is not even know
Its funny how I went about my life
Thinking that I can actually find it

Well I know now its a lie
Its a lie because I have not found it
Only because I have never known what it is

So today I ask myself
In hopes that I will have an answer
And maybe this time around I will find it

It, that can't be named for it is not known
Shall be what I search for
Only when I can give it a name

So truly what makes me happy
What makes me smile
And brings tears of joy to my eyes

What appeals to my ear
As it speaks to my heart
Maybe its sound I could hold near

What taste excites my tounge
So I could feed it to my heart
And eat till my hearts content

What ignites my senses with feeling
What textured cloth could it be
Tell me oh heart of mine so I can wear it right here

What smell could it be
That my nose could do not without
And like a perfume I will wear it all around me

Truly what makes me happy
So that I can go out insearch of it
In order to always be my happiest self


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