Thursday 22 January 2015


Don't feed me the bullets to destroy myself
Don't give me the rope to hang myself
Rather give me the opportunity to lift myself

Don't give me a hand when you kick me down
Don't look me down because you have kicked me down
Only time should be when you lift me up

Build me rather than destroy me
Guide me rather than misguide me
Teach me rather than cripple me

I am you
You are me
We are one

United we could stand
Through division we fall
Lets work to stand tall

Don't feed me the bullets to destroy myself
When you can feed me courage rise
When you can be my rock when I need one

Don't give me the rope to hang myself
When you can turn it into a ladder to pull me up
Hoisting me up high like the flag that I am

Please give me the opportunity to rise myself
So I can rise to my highest of capabilitys
And be the shining star that I am

Help me up
When you see I am down
For one day I will help you

I am man
We are human
So let's scratch each others backs

Micasa is sucasa
In this tit for tat world
Never forget that


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