Tuesday 27 January 2015

I am

I am not a Christian
I am not a Muslim
I am not a Hindu
No am I Sikh or Buddhist
I am human
Spiritual in my faith
Not segregated in my believe
Never separated in my struggle
I am united
With what I believe
I am united
With all that is human.
Fear not change
For it is the only constant in life
Fear not
For you deny yourself
The chance to live
The chance to love
The chance to grow
And to be united
Because you chose a side
And I chose neither.
I am free
I am whole
I am united
For unity is my believe
Love my religion
Faith my stronghold
As I hope you open your eyes
And you may see
What I came to deliver.
A message of peace
A message of hope
A message of faith
Intertwined with believe
I came to sell you freedom
As I plant its seeds in the hearts of man
Those who believe
Shalt blossom flowers of life
In their very hearts
Only if you hold that space of faith
That you once held in your specific believe.
I believe in me
The power held by us
When we choose to be free
United in our thoughts
And not our believes
For they are segregated thoughts
Subject to separation
And never uniting us as humans.
I am an individual
And my faith
Will unite all those who will believe


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