Saturday 24 January 2015

ascension calling

Transcending my own low vibratory thoughts for a higher self that is `I` this universal infinite being that is existent here. It shall be done, tooth and nail I will fight, but it shall be done, for enlightenment is my dream, than it would have to be seen that it can be achieved for it is out of who I be that I cry for this freedom, freedom, yes this illusive beast that we let run free though we let other man run amok with our lives in hopes that they will guide us to it, it, how can it be achieved if ever we are afraid of achieving it ourselves. How could this be, how could it ever be, or am I lying to myself again, but that could not be, because the more I search the more I do become free. I will make for I am searching for it for myself but from no word that any human speaks too because I am a human myself and I do this for me. Me, this soul and entity you see hear


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