Wednesday 14 January 2015

born in a trap

Was I born in a trap
Or did I place myself in that trap
Was I born in a trap
Or did I place myself in a trap
Thinking back to when the world was flat
2D with no thought of a way out
Convicted to never shine
But I am a diamond in the dirt
That someone should never mine
Because I am worth the whole mine
That you found me in
Better yet I am that mine you found me in
Worthless, until you put a price on me
Well I wasn't born in a trap
Because the world is not flat
3D, and now I see clearly
You can never pull the wool over my eyes
The truth is setting me free
For every time I lied I created that trap
But slowly, but surely
I am opening it, though I am not strong
I need not be strong to succeed
For if each ones teaches one
We can all get out of that trap
For there is no animal in man
But mab is an animal
So why gave me permission to in trap me
When we beings all the same
Was I born in a trap, if yes
Than I am breaking free
Of the chains shackling me
Entrapping my mind
Controlling my body
I am going to be free
Like a butterfly
Or a leaf in the wind
You can't hunt what you can't kill
You can't stop what you can't comprehend
So I am breaking free
Of these chains that have long shackled me
Entrapping my mind
I was born in a trap
For this earth is heaven
And I am going to make it beyond that
I am going to sit with Allah at home
For I see the light at the end of the tunnel
I am making it out
Because I was never born in a trap


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