Thursday 22 January 2015

Hurt people

Hurt people hurt people
Loved people love people
Because they return those feeling

Only two emotions ever exist
There is love, and there is fear
All others a because of feeling these

So I wish to no longer hurt people
Because they in turn hurt other people
Creating a vicious cycle of hurt

So I am learning to love people
In hopes they will love more people
And start a love generation with me

Hurt people hurt people
And its all a choice to hurt someone
So it would be seen that we can decide not to

Loved people love people
Like Jesus or Buddha
They taught it in their teachings

We see it not for we are raised by hurt people
And all they teach is how to hurt people
And never how to love them

I am man
And I can't love a whole population
But me loving you helps you love more people

So lets stop all the hurting
And lets start loving
For it will cure this fear in us


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