Friday 16 January 2015

how much

How much do I love you
How much do I trust you you ask
Fact of the matter is
How much do you love me
How much do you trust me

I love you, I trust you
I don't know how you feel about me
But just know that I have done what I did
Heartbroken or disappointed you may have become
And sorry I will always be for what I did
So weather you forgive me or not
I just love you

You are your own person
What you do is very much unexplainable
Laughing or crying, cursing or telling me you love me
It all touches a special place in my heart
A place once broken into a million pieces
But put together by your trust
And pasted by you your love
So rejoice for all the love I have on my heart
Grew from the seeds you planted when I met you

Every night I ask the father
Why he gave me you
In a time when pain and suffering ruled my life
He always answers me saying
He wanted to put out that flame of pain
And let love rule my life
This is a success because I am deeply in love with you

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