Sunday 18 January 2015

something (it)

Love is, happiness is, joy is
Pain is, sorrow is, heartache is
Nothing, they are all nothing

Humans are, emotions are, feelings are
Ego is, pride is, sadness is
Still nothing now ain't that something

We live life on assumptions of definitions
But even our definitions carry no similarities
Where does the separation device

Hope is, dreams are, goals are
Accomplishments of the soul
They matter not if your successful

What would mostly have to be seen
Is that we were alive trying to achieve them
Isn't that what we are after

I choose not to live by definitions
I choose not to live by expectations
But by the faith that I will ultimately get there

There, that of which I do not know
But what I do know is
My hearts beats fastest for it

Love is, joy is, sorrow is
Humans are, emotions are, dreams are
But we go about our lives as if they were real


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