Thursday 15 January 2015


As people were all the same
But as individuals we shalt always be different
Its neither a curse no crime
To flaunt that individuality

Weather you were destined to run with the pack
Or to be part of a pride
Your individuality is a character
No one else can ever have again

All zebras are stripped
But eachs stripes are different
And helps them stand out of similarity
When individuality is needed

Who I was than and who I am today
Is something that shall be tomorrow
Or any day after for its my character
And thats something only I built upon

From the onset I knew who I was
For I am a dreamer
And to keep dreaming is a dream I posses
And can never be taken away

As I picture my future in thoughts
I am thankful of my gift and character
For the future is bright
As long as I choose to see it that way


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