Wednesday 28 January 2015

i wish i could scream( how i feel)

She's the apple of my eye
My candy coated dream
For her I would gladly scream
At the top of my lungs I'd scream
This love is so exciting
The passion igniting
For her I would scream
Worse than in pain I would scream
For the love I have is unmeasurable
How could I ever weigh this feeling
Maybe if I screamed she would hear
But what am I going to say
What words will I speak
What emotion will I express
Happiness, joy, because I seem so contempt
I seem so contempt to let it all out
But how I do not know
For this love that I feel
I wish to express
But how I do not know
What I do know
Is that I wish to be free
Free from this burden
That seems to be weighing me down
As I wish to let it all out
Unleash all this love that i feel


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