Sunday 18 January 2015

Today(the walls of separation come down)

For I am alive, I will seize the day
For I breath, I will make it a point
For every step I take is a gift
Like the name they call today, the present

With my head bowed low
I set out on the journey of life
But off late, with every hurdle
I raise my head up high

High, higher than the ceiling that is the sky
Higher than the limit that is the stars
Higher than any man has ever dreamed
Every step breeds confidence within me

I cast a spell upon these words I wrote
Bewitching them with my casp of prophecy
For the future seems more brighter to me
With every passing day I am here

I look not to the great beyond
When my feet are still attached here
I seek not the unachievable
When the achievable sleeps with me

My day of reckoning has long passed
My future has never looked so bright
But the prospect of chasing it so bleak
I am going to get whats mine, today

For that is the time I run
That is the moment I live
For me its no utter secrecy
I am first, and we are last

And when I am to make it
We shall all succeed
A utopia on earth we can build
Only when the walls of separation come down


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