Monday 26 January 2015

Thinking positively

I hold a place in my heart of shear pleasure
I hold in my heart a place for shear peace
Adamant with my smile so you see
Its growing stronger
With everyday that I believe

I believe it high time I set out to be free
Though freedom now lives in my heart
A few chains I have to break free
Unloosen their strong hold
So that I can be free
For I can feel it in my heart, freedom is calling me

I seek not the path of man
That is something that has to be seen
I seek the path of truth
And it is setting me free
No longer do I try
I just let it all be

This freedom exists not in my mind
It is grown in my soul
With the purpose of feeding my heart
And maybe with time it will help me
To achieve what is mine
Which is to finally be at peace

I seek for freedom of the heart
So I choose to be free
I seek freedom of the soul
So I could know eternal peace
As I fight, all of this negativity
I know I will make it, only if I remain thinking positively


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