Sunday 18 January 2015

king(ruler of none)

I am king, yes
But I wear no crown
I am a leader, yes
Wait until my followers come around
The future I see
But I am going to turn it around

Every moment that I live my prophecys
Every step that I take to the future me
I have seen success
Like how I first saw failure
I am a dreamer and I am finally awake
And I am forcing my hand at the future

I carve the path in stone
While I write my name in the stars
Dreamy nights I have seen
Watching the starry nights go by
Cloud watching as I frolicked and played
Nelvana, can't anyone see that heaven is here

Here, right were I stand
We walk upon Atlantis
Bit look for evidence and debris
What do we hope to achieve
If we ever mine its existence
Will it close the book on our past

I am king and this land I will roam
I am a leader who shall always follow
For were my heart leads is home
What my mind sees is the future
Listening to my heartsongs
I have let my heart be my compass

I shall fear not were it leads me
But rejoice when I make it
For life has no guidance
But the journey of living we undertake
I regret not my past
I smile at the prospect of the future

I am a ruler but I own none
I am a leader but I will guide none
For those who will follow me
Will do it on their own accord
I am here to plant flowers in their hearts
Only they can blossom them

Like the flower of life
It will set my people free
For I am them, they are me
We are one under this philosophy
United we stand, divided we fall
But the wall of separation shall fall first


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