Wednesday 28 January 2015


I grew up without a father
I grew up without a grandfather
How it has affected me I will never know
Physically, emotionally,spiritually or mentally
There is a lot I will never know

No matter how hard I try
No matter how strong I can claim to be
I can even hide behind the truth
But it shall always be what it is
For a lot I lived without

The knowledge
Those teachings
That bit of effort
Could have done alot
But I had to do without

Lost I have gone on many occasions
Maybe they would have been there to find me
Lost I have gone without guidance
But I am slowly finding my way back
And I am doing something about it

To the future generations I will do my best
Without a mentor I will create
New teaching that will bind us
I have always been lost without them
Never shall you be because I am here

I will fight for the change
Because I know what it brings
The beautiful opportunities it brings
In me I you shall have that guide
That I never had

For I stand here correcting the wrongs
Of generations of man before me
Try without fail I will
Try without fail I must
For I will be setting my own example

And I don't want to set another mans
When I can set my own
Those who failed me shall cry
But those I will have the chance to affect
I will ensure they never forget what I did

I will sacrifice
Tooth and nail I will fight
But I will remain true
For an example I have to set
And I aim to set a new kind

I grew up without a father
I grew up without a grandfather either
I will not let my kids grow like me
For much I have to teach them
And I will be damned if I let another man do it for me


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