Wednesday 14 January 2015

rap versus poetry

Rap versus poetry
Ironically rap is nothing but rhythm and poetry
Rap versus poetry
Should I rap, or just recite my poetry
Dear God help me decide
For I love to rap
But cannot stop writing poetry
So if I may ask
Am I a rapper or a poet
Because I feel lost
Maybe this answer will get me home
Because I feel lost
Maybe this answer will get me found
I know the question is profound
But should I rap or recite poetry
Because it is something in me
To get the world out
But how I just do not know
Do I go with the rhythm
Or just stick to the poetry
Rap versus poetry
Dear God help me decide
Because I am at a crossroads
About to go in search of the pot of gold
For I always felt I was born in a trap
But I have broken free of it
So do I rap or recite poetry
Which will work best for me
Which will save me from myself
Rap versus poetry
Or should I let it all go
Time will decide for me


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