Thursday 22 January 2015

this Virtual love

This virtual love
Can it be real
Or any more unreal
Than real love

This virtual love
Is what I feel real
Or just a facade
Because you are not real

With touch we learn
What truly connection is
With sight we see
What words can't see

So I wish not to be programmed
To be connected to feel things
Waiting for uploads to see things
This love couldn't be real

So this virtual love
That they got us living
Is something we have to stop doing
And rivert back to real living
Because that's true only real loving

So this virtual love
Is going to stop here
For we are going to see it
Is nothing but a lie

A lie to keep us apart
When we could be connected
Without WiFi signals
Through actual living

This virtual love
Is not real love
Because real love
Involves actually feeling


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