Thursday 22 January 2015

regret not and love forever

What is love but an overrated feeling
A virtue that is not present in all hearts
But only those with the will power and strength
To give it away may know how it feels
To love, for in return you receive back that same love
But its the love of another heart
That is going to fill the space
Left by the love you gave
Love is what fills a heart
Makes it beat
And pumps the blood
Lost love can never be regained
But by giving the last one has
They can receive more than they bargained for
Love is always and will always be present in a heart
Brocken or not the love will always be there
I do not need to explain this
The love you loose is less than the love you gain
So if you give your partner all you have
They in turn will give their all
But to the receiver it is going to feel like it has doubled
For it replaces the love you gave
Regret not and love forever
That is my motto in life
Always has and always will be until my final breath
I will always live by this and die peacefully in with it in my heart

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