Sunday 18 January 2015


You call it superstition
I call it belief

You call it belief
I call it superstition

The true question is
Truly which is superstition

Because we all believe
How it turns into superstition I fail to see

We are man
Or so the thought was

Infinite beings of light
We are multidimensional

But trapped in this façade of time
In a journey that has never stopped

Step into the realm of unknown oh brother of mine
Walk with me in this journey of truth

Peace shall come your way
And love shall be your teaching

You call it superstition
I call it believe

You call it believe
I call it superstition

It is all but one thing

Freedom is on the other side
Your just have to tear it down

Be be in yourit may seem
For the guidance of a compass we are need

Trust in yourself let it be known
For that is the only way it can be brought about.


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