Wednesday 28 January 2015


Say goodbye to the old
And say hello to the new
How I do not know
But still
You have to work hard at it
For the more you do
The better you become at it
I do this for me
Never could it be done for us
If ever I could not be first.
My own smile is more important
Than that of another man
If I can't do it for myself
How am I ever going to do it for another.
So I chose to put myself first
Everyone one else shall come after
For I will have succeeded
Were most would have failed me
Thats why I am first
My happiness and joy
Are mine to deal with
So I expect no one
To give them to me
When I can't offer themselves to myself
By my own lonesome.
So all this is for me
But always done for us
For we are all one.

Us 28/01/15

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