Friday 16 January 2015


I burn the past
I burn the present
I burn the future
I try, to live my life without
Memorys of the past
Aspirations for the present
Or dreams for the future
Like a fire that rages all day
Burning all in its path
I leave no evidence of a beginning
Though when present I am deeply admired
Where my flames touch root I do not know
For my future, like the wind
Changes with the tides of time
I've burnt my past
I burn my present
I will burn my future
For memorys never made my past
My senses never made my present
My goals never made my future
Like a fire burning under control
Life, is always what it makes of you
Like pieces in a chess game watch out for the mate
Because you will be late, get it, paths cross lines meet
Though enemys never bury the hatchet
Fire burns until there is nothing but ashes
Live life, don't let life live you, like a fire going dim
I burn the past
I burn the present
I burn the future
Like fire, I burn

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