Wednesday 21 January 2015

walk with me

Walk with me
Into the light I will guide
Walk with me

Through these dark times I will guide
I will be your rock in trying times
In me you have found your guide

Walk with me
Through the perils of life
Hand in hand as we stride

Walk with me
Be a part of my life
Together we shall fight

For we shall not hide
Lovers we'll be
Lovers of the light

So walk with me
Into the bright light
As I promise you freedom

Freedom of the heart
Peace of the soul
And harmony of the mind

So walk with me in these trying times
No hero am I in you eyes
But to you I will be a knight shining armour

In you I will confide
My strengths shall turn to weakness
For in you I will die

I will die
For I will turn into the light
So walk with me into the light

Walk with me into the light
Walk with me in this journey of life
And I will always live in your heart

Your mind shall kpeace
You shall live in harmony
For you will be free

Free in the light
The weight on your shoulders lifted
Walk with me and never die

But live in eternal peace
Peace and harmony
Harmony that is eternal freedom


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