Thursday 29 January 2015


From humble beginnings
I aim to make it to the top
No more sitting at the corner
Thinking of my yesterday
Or praying for a tomorrow
While forgetting to live today

From humble beginnings
I will rise from the bottom
And climb to the top
Never shall I be arrogant
When I walk this journey alone
For my faith walks beside me

I do believe I will make it there
Because I have tasted success
And now my lips want more
Like a kiss from an angel
Or the warmth its hugs bring
I definetly will make it there

For I believe
I believe I will make it there
I have that faith
I have that faith that I will make it there
To that place that can't be named
But can only be searched for

Were it is found I cannot say
What I can say is were to start searching
And that is the heart
For the mind is divided about it
And will never agree about it
So the heart is were you place your trust, see

All you need is faith that you will make
And the believe that its for the best
There is no use hoping for a better day
When the power of change lays in your own hands
So I place my trust in my own hands
For only I know were I am truly headed


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