Tuesday 7 February 2017

(As black as) The Soles of my shoes

Bury me a G
In a black pair of Jay's

To that I am a black man
Who lived his whole life in jail

With no place to go
Except for the concrete slab

Where I lost my brothers
Will they ever come too

Mommy look at my brothers
I wonder of they will ever come too

Bury me a G
In a fresh pair of Jay's

Clean as the life that I dreamed of
Cleaner then my dirty ol' pair of chucks

Clean as my soul
Pure and bright as light

It's shine
Outglowing even the sun

For for on that day
I will finally be free

Bury me a G
In a fresh pair of Jay's

Make them black
Like the color of my skin

It's not the color of my soul

Bury me not a man
With a white pair of shoes

For the only thing that was white about me
Might be the paper my eulogy is written on

For the ups and downs of my life
Taught me to trust the darkness

To love its solitude
For it gave me the chance

To finally be free
To be me

So bury me a G
In a black pair of Jay's

A black Afrikan suit
With my hair nappy as ever

And my tombstone should read
"Here lays a man

Whose heart
Was as black, as the soles of his shoes"

#Peace. 28/01/17 by erL™