Wednesday 14 January 2015

were art thou

Or were art thou my love
My angel, were art thou my love
I am lonely without your love
Sad without your hugs
Oh were can thou hide thyself from me
You as my love cannot hide
Because I am going to find thee my love
And when I do
I am going to put you in my arms forever
As destined, foreseen by the almighty God
Years before our arrival on earth
So were art thou my love, my wife to be
Show thyself because my heart bleeds for your love
Oh were art thou my love
My angel, were art thou my love
Because we are growing old
Best we meet each other now
So that our love can last longer
As the almighty father wishes
Show thyself and I am going to love thee for eternity
My love if thee is alive please show thyself
Because my heart can't take the pain
My love I will always be waiting your arrival
Just show thyself and I will love thee
For eternity even in my demise
You will be the last thought in my mind
I love thee as destined, just show thyself and be loved

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