Tuesday 20 January 2015

going through life

I am going through life
I am not going past it
No am I letting it pass by

I am going through life
Because its a daily journey
Thats enjoyed through making memorys

We learn as we live life
For every mistake is an opportunity
A chance to make a new start

This is belief
And if you strengthen yours
The stronger you get

To go through life
You have to accept being alive
And let the energy flow through you

This is life
A peerless journey that is unforgiving
For that is the beauty that is life

We fall down to get up
And when we get up
We stay strong even if might fall down

I will live my life
Going through it daily
Because the future will unfold itself

I am going through life
Life is not going through me
For I can I let it slip away


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