Monday 12 January 2015

to do or to die, fighting

We see new things in life
Amongst the old we have created
We hear new hits in life
Amongst the songs we have heard before
We learn new things in life
Amongst the old we were taught before

Its not a choice we have
But rather that of which we have to accept
Reality is not what we make it
But rather what we choose to see
No matter how far we run from it
It always catches up to us

We wish to be new people in time
That's why we embark on the journey of life
Setting sails from past docks
And praying our sails catch a new wind
That will lead us to distant lands
Rather than drifting on unknown seas

No more will I leave mine to fate
When choice can do the same
Both arms open wide
Open palms clasped together
This time I am going to achieve it
Or I am going to die fighting


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