Wednesday 21 January 2015

these tears

These tears I shed, I shed because of fear
This pain I have, I have because of my tears
This loss I feel, I feel because of my pain
When shall it ever go right
Or has it always been right, just viewed wrong

I shed tears in fear for I am alone
It pains me for these tears shed on their lonesome
Without you, I have a deep hole in my heart
Your loss is like Gotham without batman
When shall you ever truly be mine

Though here, I feel you are too far
Though Near, see you from afar
Even if I hear, no sound I compute
Its like silence of the lambs, but at a rock concert
How can this be, maybe my eyes are wide shut

I am in pain
I have a fear
I feel a loss
That is why I shed a tear
These are my emotions

Take away my pain, and say you will love me
Ease my fear, and say you will never leave me
Fill my loss, with your ever enchanting beauty
For only then will I not shed these tears
Because I love thee, thy beautiful sweets


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