Wednesday 28 January 2015

i believe ( in a love like this)

Thank you God
For showing me that I am nothing
No amount of joy
Could ever express how I feel
For through all the confusion
To know that someone cares
Is the greatest feeling on earth.
I smile without reason
Daydreaming of better days to come
How could this ever be
When at my lowest I used to feel
Now I am at the top
Because of the joy I feel
I am loved
Not by any other person
But by me
But the love I have since received
Is overwhelming to me.
Now I do believe
I do believe love will find you
Only if you keep the faith in what you believe
And I do believe
That this love is real
More real than any that I have ever felt.
On it I will believe
Because it doesn't hurt much to have faith
If it is what is going to get me through the day.
I believe
More than I have ever believed
For this love feels so real
How could it not
When I have never felt a feeling like this


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