Friday 23 January 2015

silance(the universe is speaking)

Silance, the universe is speaking
Though its voice is silent
Hush, for you might not hear it
Only to wonder around aimlessly
Looking for the advice you did not hear

Listen, for the universe is speaking
No voice it has but still it communicates
With me it has long since gone silent
But today I hear it clearly
For I see the signes it has left me

We speak but never listen
We listen to what will never be spoken
Open our eyes it is yet to be seen
That the signs are in front of us
No longer shall we be silenced

Hush, for the universe speaks
It communicates wish us
Like sign language to the deaf
See what we must
And comprehend that its what makes us human

The nature to love
And the capability to destroy
We hear not our inner voice
For we wish to only listen to our external
Though it has never brought us nothing but misery

From today I vow to be silent
So I can hear the universe speak
And when I do speak
I will speak in the language of it
So I can appeal to all man

Iregardless of race or nationality
The universe speaks to us all
It is within us all
And if we could all be silent
Maybe we could hear what it is saying


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