Thursday 29 January 2015

these horns(why i wear them)

These horns that I wear
I got them as a gift
As much as it hurt
Grow them I had to

Gone to the dogs
No longer was my life
Until God said I could wake the devil
For no yin is without a yen.

These horns that I wear
I wear them for my ego
They feed it its strength
And they help it fight

Through the valley of the shadow of death I walk
With my horns held up high
I fear no evil
For evil fears me in return.

These horns that I wear
Give me a foul stench
Like the mark of the beast I wear it
Possessed by its very smell

I now know my strengths
I know also my weakness
For from the beginning I begun
To the end I shall make.

So these horns that I wear
I not only wear them with pride
They make my ego boastful
As it walks with a stride

But I have no fear of them
For I grew them with a purpose
Of letting all my skeletons in the closet
To finally come to the light.

Peace I will achieve
As I rise beyond this devil
He is no challenge
If from the darkness I had to reawaken once again...


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