Tuesday 20 January 2015


I am not in a competition to live
When I am not in a competition to die

I am not in a competition succeed
When there is no competition for failure

I am doing this for me
And you should do things for yourself

If life was a test
Would you copy from my paper

Life is not a competition
So there is no need to compete

I do things for me
Never could I succeed doing them for others

That is the truth
Because why would I lie

I am doing this for me
Because it was long overdue

Life is not a test
So why do you judge me

Why can't you be happy
For these accomplishments are mine

The joy we can share
The sorrow too

But I will do things for me
Before I could do anything for you

I am not in a competition to live
When you could never compete with me to die


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