Sunday 18 January 2015

backstabbers(returning the favour)

To all my backstabbing niggers
Who are you going to stab
Once you have ran out of backs

To all my lying friends
Who are you going to lie to
Once everyone sees the truth for who you are

To all my friends
What are you going to do
When all hope is lost

For I am not afraid to walk alone
Like the lone wolf through the perrels of life
I would rather than to be backstabbed

So I ask
What are you going to do
Once you run out of back to stab

Back my back has no space
After being stabbed with knives and machetes
Who are you going to run to next

Who is going to blindlyturn their back
With the concept of trust in the mind
To a person who has no faith in themselves

To all back my backstabbing niggers
I offer you my back no more
So turn and let me return the favour


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