Monday 12 January 2015


Sometimes knowing that you are loved
Is better than the knowledge of love
For the warmth that it brings
And mends lost souls

Sometimes its better to be the receiver
For blessed is a giver
And that's a gift you can't give
No matter how hard you try
You can't give the gift of a blessing

Sometimes its worthwhile to let go
For maybe you might receive
More than you ever bargained for
Or what you ever wished for
Because love might come your way

Sometimes, and not every time
It works out for the best
Because every time, it might not workout as planned
That's why its best to remain optimistic
Rather than to carry a sceptical heart around

Every time, is just a thought in your head
For sometimes, it takes some hoping and wishing
For you to go the other way
When a door closes on you
While you were still enjoying yourself


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