Thursday 15 January 2015

a dreamer (here to get the job done)

I am a dreamer and I just woke up
Why I was asleep I will not know
But I just woke up and my rest was not fun

If you know me call it a sabbatical
To all my bitches lets say celibacy
To all my homeboys I was dead
But to all my haters just M.I.A

A dreamer just woke up and he is I
No luscious storys to share because that is not me
No horror stories to share because thats not me
Just pain and heartache, nothing but misery

You see, I am a dreamer and I just woke up
And for that dreamer that just woke up is I
I am not going to share with you my dreams
I am going to be its director and its main character

I am a dreamer and I just woke up
A dreamer am I but am I my dreams fulfiller
That is nothing but a nightmare
And they won't dare because I am awake now

I am a dreamer and I just woke up
All of my dreams shall be noted
As my lifetimes successes
For I was once dreaming, now I am awake to get the job done


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