Friday 16 January 2015


I am a dreamer, believer at most
I am a dreamer, and the future has been told
I can speak like a psychic
Without a fear

I am a dreamer, and my dreams are at most
More than dreams for I am not asleep
I am a dreamer, and I say the future has been told
I wish not to speak what I have seen

For as I sleep I don't dream
And If I am to dream
It would have to be seen
That it comes true

This much I can tell you
I think there's a little hell on the way
But if its to come
Heaven is just beyond that gate

I am a dreamer and much is to be discussed
For as I dream, even when I am asleep
I am always fully conscious
And always aware

I do not say
For it is all in the mind
And I have started to listen to my heart

I am a dreamer and my dreams
Help me stay sane in this crazy world
Because I still dream of a better day
Though my sinchronistic dreams are correct

I smile because I know
Somewhere there is hope
If I can do as much as I can
We can all change to a one earth.


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