Monday 8 June 2015

in your heartwood/ black acacia

Black acacia
Diamonds in the desert
The cactus of Africa
To me you are my symbol of home
The person I wish to be
Only alive
Just enough to feed my senses
While the rest of me lay dead.

Black acacia
That skin I wear
The tone in my voice
That nappy curl in my hair
You are my roots
The symbol of all I wish to be
Only consciously alive
To see what the world sees
While your subconscious rests
In your heartwood

#Peace. 04/06/15

friends (to the very end)

Birds chirping
As the sun rises
Day breaks
So its time to get ahead

To go about our days
Working for our dreams
To love so freely
And care so openly

When days go cold
In my heart I shall warm
If it ever gets freezing
My light shall be your warmth

You are me
I am you
We are one
For we are friends to the very end

#peace. 04/05/15

on a redemption trail

He grovels on
Slowly limping
From the cripples
Life has brought on

He marches
Stick in hand
Bag over his shoulders
He has moved on from his plight

He is no king
He is no leader
He is no boss
He is just human

An individual who has
Been down so much
His life is no longer a rollercoaster
Its more off a merry go round

He rolled round and round
Tossing and turning in my plight
Stagnation had become his ailment
So he had to move on

He had to push away from his misery
He had to move away from his plight
So he put his back pack on
And started back on his journey

He is a travelling man
Moving through places
Moving through the times
Because he has a lot to do

So he is that phoenix
Rising from its ashes
That athlete
On a come back trail

This is his life
This is his story
Because I am that young man
Who is on a redemption trail

Dear Heavenly father
If you could hear me now
Listen not to my words
But rather guide me to my dreams

#Peace. 31/05/15

something to teach

What I see
You shall see
Through the eyes
That you have in me

What I feel
You shall feel
Through the heart
That you have in me

What I know
You shall know
Through the mind
That you have in me

I am
Never without you
We are
Never without I

For when you see two sous talking
Sharing what is, positively
My brother
That is God right there

So what I see
You shall see
And what I feel
You also shall feel

For we are one
Connected by an all knowing source
That's why what I know
Ultimately you shall know

Because it is our journey to find out
What mine brother gets to feel
Its my journey to teach about
What mine brother has not dealt

We feed of each other
Relaying messages across the board
So that we could all know
But some people wish for us to never find out

Never call them evil
Never scold
Or treat them with hate
For they also have for you
something they can teach you

#Peace. 06/06/15

Friday 1 May 2015

infatuations of the heart

Infatuations of the heart
Never knowing if the feelings a real

I sit in the dark and wonder
In silence I ask myself if I should make that first step

The heart beats faster when I think about
But even infatuations of lust bring it to its knees

It longs for a companion
But for now by its self I want it to be

I'm I at fault to deny it love
When I know a deeper one exist

Deep down in our bare bottoms
Naked we shall be both in the light

So a mistake I don't want to make
When I know there exists a love that is more real

#Peace. 18/04/15

my light(my shining example)

Peace to the kid who just bought his first packet of new ports
You think you're the man now
But you're a new born
And you just proved it by having a curious mind
Because I don't want to talk about the one about to spark up his first blunt
It seems wherever I go the same mistakes become reborn
Is this the life we live
Is there no way out of it
For we fall into the pitfalls of society
Its violent death trap rat race
Only to discover that there is no way out
For we are now trapped in a barren desolate wasteland of dreams
Where their failures have turned into a nightmare we call a life
As we take our final breaths from this plight.
But this is not the life that I dreamed of
I invisioned a better place
Where there is an end to this vicious cycle
Nolonger having the need for young girls to be out there prostituting
Many do not believe it
That is because they are raised to be sceptic
Well I won't let them damper my optimistic heart
For I have faith in the hope that I will make there
Or at least touch enough lives that my journey will live on
In the hearts of men
Inbedded into their minds
As it becomes inprinted into their souls,
Mine is a periless journey
A task too heavy for an individual soul
But I have learned to let my light be the shining example

#Peace. 27/04/15

Eon of enlightenment

Enter into the realm of dawn
Of the Eon of enlightenment
Where we journey into the mind
To reveal all questions
As we answer the unanswered
We shall divulge your mind
From the comfort of its serenity
With our serendipitous minds
As we search for the light of truth
For the truth lies in the light
The mind perceives it not
It can only turn it into an imaginary spectrum
Only the heart can it feed
For only the heart is where its made for it to be felt.
We are the Eon of enlightenment
For the age of change is upon us

#Peace. 27/04/15

Tuesday 28 April 2015

warmth of a woman(laying next to me)

Infatuations of the heart
Could they ever be so real

I stand and stare
As the hour is upon me

Do I seize the day
While I still have this moment

Or do I let it flow like the tides
And see where they beach me

For how I have grown lonely with time
Without the warmth of a woman laying right next to me

#Peace. 18/04/15

Friday 10 April 2015


Salute to the great Kings
Salute to the great Queens
Salute the the Prince's
And the Princesses
Heaven, we are home
For we search for a place
We have not seen
While we destroy the one we have
When are we going to see it
When are going to be free
From this holographic mind frame
That is locking us in this great big rut

#Peace. 09/03/15


The seeds
Of days that past
Will never fade away
Like days that past
They will always remember you
Even when they were dark.

The seeds
Of days to come
Will never fade away
Like days to come
They will always remind you
When days go dark.

The seeds
That we plant today
It wil never lead us astray
Unlike days that past
Or what dreams remind you of
For days will go dark.

These seeds
That we planted
Shall never lead us astray
Unlike the façade that is days
Or memory's and dreams
For days are always dark

#Peace 15/03/15


This is home
And there's no other place like it
Though we chop and burn
Mine and smelt it
Like we have a replacement planet.

This is home
So far its the only one like it
But we rape and Pilate
Fight and destroy it
Like were going to hit an off switch when its done.

As I tell you this is home
Man die for it
Some because of it
Though we live in the same house
But that, it seems we cannot see

#Peace 14/03/15

poor mans plate

He said 'm thirsty
Mummy I'm dying for a drink
She replied you'll die if you drink

What's faith
But an undying illusion
Perpatrator of the heart

But than what is love
But an emotion of the blind
For through the hearts they see

They cry in agony
Yells wailing out high
"Injustice to all mankind"

They say there's more fruits
In a rich man's shampoo
Than on a poor mans plate

That's because they care not if we live
They would love it if we died
For we are of no use to them

#Peace 18/03/15

the language i speak

Can I speak with you today
Can I
Bother you for a minute
As I
Tell you about the love that exists
Its all around
Like light during the day
Or droplets during a summer shower
This love is abundant
And has no price tag on it.
Can I at least try
To give you some of this love
For I have given some to me
And I liked it so much
It was so enchanting
And now I want to share it
For this love is not mine
It is ours.
I said hi
Can you hear what I am trying to say
Because I have no one else to talk to
Except you
Because only you
Can comprehend the language that I speak

#Peace 23/03/15

Thursday 9 April 2015

back in the saddle again

I fell of the band wagon
But um back in the saddle again
If I was still a child
I would be back in the cradle again

Its beautiful that I have seen the light
But my life is not shaped by it
For its something that I had to deal with
Not live with

For its not my life
Just an option
And I choose not to live there
For no one achieved their dreams dwelling in the past.

I fell of the band wagon
But I got my ass on that saddle again
One hand on the whip
The other is on the reigns

For I control my life
Direct it to where I want it to go
But it has been dragging me around
As if I was the head of the headless horseman

I am no child
But I feel like I am in the cradle again
Reborn in the name of the truth
Baptised in the river of light

My soul has been reborn again
My head has been put back on again
And for the first time mine eyes see
Though they were never blind.

I am back on the saddle again
I am back on my band wagon
And the band is playing
"Praise be to thee, for thine time has cometh"

#Peace 23/03/15

teach me

Teach me, and I will learn
Guide me, and I will follow
Love me, and I will love you
Care for me, and I will care for you

For I am you
And you are me
We are one
Connected by love

So teach me, and I will learn
How to love you
How to cherish you
For you are me

I said guide me, and I will follow
And where we go
Shall be home
For we shall be one

So love me, and I will love you
Because I love me
And you love yourself
So it makes sense that we also love each other

Also care for me, and I will care for you
Pick you up when your down
Raise you high when your low
For you will do the same for me

Teach me, and I will learn
Guide me, and I will follow
But whatever you do
Always do it with love

#Peace 24/03/15

teach me

Teach me, and I will learn
Guide me, and I will follow
Love me, and I will love you
Care for me, and I will care for you

For I am you
And you are me
We are one
Connected by love

So teach me, and I will learn
How to love you
How to cherish you
For you are me

I said guide me, and I will follow
And where we go
Shall be home
For we shall be one

So love me, and I will love you
Because I love me
And you love yourself
So it makes sense that we also love each other

Also care for me, and I will care for you
Pick you up when your down
Raise you high when your low
For you will do the same for me

Teach me, and I will learn
Guide me, and I will follow
But whatever you do
Always do it with love

#Peace 24/03/15

a better earth(for our kids)

I dream a dream
That no man has dreamt
Unless he has dreamt of a better earth

Lets think about the children, no one ever said
Corrupt and selfish
Driven by power and greed
But are we going to make it there
I sit back and wonder

With mine eyes dry
As the children played around
Clueless to the pitfalls of the world around
Some say "when will they ever learn,
That life is not a game"

Even though on the contrary it is
We can't go around popping bubbles
And say it for the sake of the kids
And expect them to better live
When we have cut their wings

Lets let them dream
In hopes they will build a better tomorrow
A brighter day for their own kids
An opportunity to live the life they choose
I say better the man who raises the youth than he who cripples them

I dream a dream
That no man has dreamt
Unless he has dreamt of a better earth for our kids

#Peace 29/03/15
A better earth(for our kids)


It hurt
But I couldn't cry

It hurt
But I couldn't look back

Because nothing was there
Just darkness

There could never be light
When its source has been taken

It hurt
But still I weaped not

For nothing was left but darkness
And that ain't attractive

I swallowed my pride and vowed to move on
To never look back no matter what

Because it taught me to look forward
And put my life first

So now i walk
With my head held high

Ashamed not of my past
For I know it doesn't affect my future

So now I walk
Proudly holding my head up high

For even though it hurt
Luckily I don't live there no more

#Peace. 09/04/15

Tuesday 7 April 2015

why are we alive

Some places feel like heaven
Others seem like hell
But who am I to tell
When I have never been to either

But yet these places make me feel
And those feelings won't die
Unless I died along with them
But that is not the life I was sent to live

Why should I be born to die
Or live to suffer
Why is it all like this
Am I the only one who wants to question how we live

We wake up to this rut
Rolling around a matrix of lies
While running a ratrace
Trying to figure out a way out of this maze

Most are confused
So they follow the beaten path
Never questioning in their own minds
Why we even exist

#Peace 29/03/15

place i seek

I fell asleep
But I'm awake now
Though I'm awakened to this waken dream
I am finally awake in this dream
Mine eyes see where is there is no light
Mine ears hear were there isn't sound
Mine body feels feels thine earths vibration
Is this what heaven feels like.
I feel asleep
But I'm awake now
Though I'm still in this waken dream
The light I have seen
And I know I am going to make it there
Where, only my heart shall know
For its the compass to the place I seak

#Peace. 04/04/15

these bonds

I can feel them grow weaker
Day by day
These bonds grow weaker

I feel them
For I chew at their chains
Gnawing at them day after day

For I know I will be free
Free from these chains shackling me
Keeping me away from my dreams.

I can feel them grow weaker
Day after day these chains grow weaker
As I feed myself the strength to grow stronger

I know I will make it there
For these chains are not real
Just shackles inprisoning my mind

And I am freeing it
Freeing it from this prison in my mind
For my heart yearns to be free.

Frolicking and playing
Like a child at his peak
For that is who I be

That is who I will be
And that is who I will become
As I set myself free

So I feel them grow weak
For I exercise my weaknesses
Just as I grow my strengths

#Peace. 06/04/15

i have lied

Um sorry
But I have lied

Not to my family
And not to my friends

But to myself
And that is the biggest lie

I said I will change
But where is there difference

I am still the same
Though some grief I have shed along the way

So now I feel sad
For I have come full circle

Standing where I begun
A decade later

But this time I have seen the light
And know the road is still to get tough

So I sit Here and cry
For the second I stop weeping

I shall stand and I shall never look back
For I know I am promised greatness

I have known it all my life
And that is a dream they can't kill

So I will fight
Until there is no fight in me

For I know that by feeling sorry
And knowing that I have lied

Means I hold the truth in my hands
And finally not afraid to use it

And use it I shall
Until my life is alright.

I am sorry
But I have lied

Not to my family
Not to my friends

But I have told the biggest lie
Which is to thyself

And starting from today I live the truth
For I have no room for lies

When my life is not a dream
Only nightmares of what I let it be

And that is something I have the power to change
Change I damn sure am

No matter how hard it becomes
I will make it there

#Peace. 06/04/15

a lonely begger

He croaks
With words barely audible
That they sounded like a mourn

"Dear passer by
Could you spare me a dollar
Or atleast crumbs to eat"

He begges
Barely ever showers
Like he knew not hygiene

But that's his life
He might not be proud of it
But he ain't ashamed to do it either

Because it was written as the law by man
Now mere man fail to pick each other up, but why
Why are we so inhumane

That man go about day by day
Hungry, starving for they got nothing to eat
While a block away a man throws away plenty

Where has the love gone
Where is the compassion humanity
Are you so inhumane that you will deny one another

Are your so heartless that you ignore the warnings
Turn your backs on the truth
But you can't be that blind from reality

You cannot be so blinded that you cannot see
The truth that lays right in front of you
That we are no longer one

Segregated by mindless philosophies
Divided by our own believes
When I we going to see this lie for what it is

When are we going go notice thier dividing us
So that easily they could conqure us
And keep us trapped in their web of lies.

I croaked
Sound so barely audible
You might mistake it for a whisper

"As a people we are lost
As a people we need to find ourselves
As we disconnect ourselves from this matrix"

But are we ever going to succeed
When the entire human race
Can pass a lonely begger by

#Peace 06/04/15
A lonely begger

the last hit

Savour the last hit for me
In reminder of days that were
As he lay dying
Fading away in the light
Knowing that it was his end of days
No more shall he come around
No longer shall he be invited near
I don't want him around
And I don't need him around either
And he knows it
Not to say the war shall be won
For many are battles to come
But this one I must make
Head strong like a naive soldier
Because I have been stead fast like an army general
And the is no sign of accomplishment here
Maybe if I charged at it headstrong
My consciousness will guide me where I am lost
For how can I always be wrong
And not once atleast get it right

#Peace. 06/04/15

Friday 27 February 2015

Garden in my heart

She planted a garden in my heart
And now I hold a bouquet in my hands

She planted the seeds of courage
So my flowers could be strong

She planted the seeds of belief
So my flowers could blossom with faith

She planted those seeds with love
So my flowers could blossom with care

She did all this for me
Never knowing if she will get them back in return

Today I surprised her with a bouquet
With flowers so radiant

Strong and bold
From the courage she gave

Faithful and honest
From the believe she instilled

So lovely and cherished
Because of the care she gave

I do all this for her
Just like she once did for me

a great deed i owe

Not all angels have wings
Not all superheroes wear capes
Some we know
They walk around us everyday

Hail to the man that has never looked another down
Except when they are helping them up
For they are the true heroes
They are the guardian angels of our lives

They walk
And they talk
They never preach
But word always gets out

The real guardians are here
The real mentors live
Souls of such young bloods
With an endless bounty of potential

So to thine I say thank you
Keep up the good work
For we are never lost
Until we are truly found

I take my hat off
For your assistance has been divine
So to thee, I owe a great deed


Here words

Her words make me smile
They make me light up inside

Her smile makes me laugh
It makes my heart giggle

She doesn't need to do much
For much of it goes unspoken

I love her
From the bottom of my heart is true

For she makes me weak yo my knees
In her presence I can't stand.

In my eyes I hope she never looks
For I doubt if I could ever love her right

I tremble in fear
For one day she might be gone

So I tread carefully
So as to savour the moment

But I want to seize the day
Because she ignites me from inside

Butterflies flutter in my stomach
Just at the thought of her

My day stays bright
Just at the thought of her being with me.

I love her so
That I hope she knows

For her words make me smile
They make me light up inside

Her eyes make me melt
For she is the radiance I prayed for

And now that she is finally here
All I can do is tell her that I love her

Her words 25/02/15


He said be like a tree
And let the dead leaves fall away

He said be like a drop in the ocean
For even a drop has a ripple effect

He said be weak
For you shall know your strength

He said Be
And I was.

Life is but a journey of a thousand miles
Each one with its own thousand paths

Which ever that I choose
Shall ultimately get me there

So I walk this journey alone
In hopes to oneday find a companion

Though my heart bleeds for it
I am not afraid to make it on my own.

He said be like a tree
Always intact in its conscious mind

He said be like the ocean
And let it all be a part of you


Wednesday 18 February 2015

Open eyes(but wide shut)

For I once loved
I will learn to love again

From once loved
I will learn to be loved again

To now hated
They will learn to cherish me again

Because I was once lost
They will notice when I am on the right track again

From being idolised
They will learn to depend on me again

Now i am back on my journey
I will learn to make it there

For I am now determined
And I am going to stop at nothing

It is my turn now
And I am raising the roof up in this building

The world is my playground
And I am going to play hopscotch all over it

For if they once knew me
They will know me again

If I could once be the greatest
I will be the greatest again

It is my turn to shine
It is my turn to stand in the spotlight

This is my destiny
And I will run the show

Because this is something unknown within me
And that is something they can never stop

I am going to be on top of it
And that is how it is going to be

For I once loved
And I can learn to love again

For I was once loved
And I will be loved again

And those that think they hate me
Will learn to cherish me again

For as I once may take a step in my journey
I know I am going to make it there

I have seen it clearly with my eyes
Though they were wide shut


Never look back

I will never look back
You have to believe me when I say
Because life is all that I have
And it is a forward moving journey

The past doesn't serve as a reminder
Thats why I don't love there no more
The future shall always be a mystery
Thats why I don't live for it

I work on my present life
Each day o tilt the soil of life
Making hay on this day and time
As I plant seeds for my future

This journey of life is mine
And I am going to live it
Whoever shall walk with ke
Shall travel with le to the light

For o heard freedom calling my name
Heaven, I shall make it there
And my soul shall finally know peace
As I finally rest in my spiritual home

This is a journey of the soul
My belief centres in my heart
This life is all I have
Though I have no fear of loosing it



He said be like a tree
And let the dead leaves fall away

He said be like a drop in the ocean
For even a drop has a ripple effect

He said be weak
And you shall know strength

He said Be
And I was.

Life is bit a journey of a thousand miles
Each one with its own thousand paths

Whichever that I choose
Shall ultimately get me there

So I walk this journey alone
In hopes of one day finding a companion

Although my heart bleeds for it
I am not afraid to make it on my own.

He said be like a tree
Always intact in its own conscious mind

He said be like an ocean
And let it all be a part of you

For you are the earth
And the earth is a part of you

This is my life
And I am going to let no one live it for me.


I am in love(with the real me)

I'm in love
With myself

I'm in love
With my friends

I'm in love
With my family

I'm in love
With everyone around me

I spread this love to those who love me
In hopes that those who hate will see

I spread this love to those around me
So that those aren't get close to me

I walk this path alone
Knowing you will join me

Once the clouds a parted
And the sun shines brightly

When it rains no more
And the birds are outside playing

You shall see the love
For it will resonate in all that I do.

I'm on love
With myself

I'm in love
With friends

I'm in love
With my family

I'm in love
With everyone around me

Because I know
They are just an extension, of the real me


Open your eyes

Open your eyes
To the spenders of the world around you

Open your ears
To the mystical sounds around you

Open your heart
To the majestic love that is abundant.

We blind our eyes
And act like we see

We deafen our ears
But act like we hear

We rob ourselves of emotion
And act like we feel them.

What is our course
What is the reason

Why are we lost
Why do we need freeing

Are we really that lost
That we don't see it


Fight for you

I will fight for you
I will die for you
But the only thing I won't do
Is lie to you

This world is lie
All but the way live in it
Its not a lie
Its no secret

If we all tried
We could change it
If we all fail
We will have learned something


Sunday 15 February 2015

Hello Hello(hello than goodbye)

Hello hello
Or is it hello and goodbye

Hello hello
Why does it have to be hello than goodbye

We are friends, yes?
We are lovers, no?

So hello hello
Though I didn't want it to be hello than goodbye

But leave me you must
On my lonesome I shall walk.

Hello, hello
Or is it hello and goodbye

Hello, hello
Though I didn't want it to be hello than goodbye

For a love so young
That hasn't even seen the light of day

No storms we have faced
No memorys we have made

Though say it I must
Hello, hello. Hello, goodbye


Friday 13 February 2015

The way home

Not all angels fall from the sky
Not all demons creep from beneath
Some of them walk amongst us
Out here in this desolate barren land

With wings long broken
And horns out growing
They live with us
Walking amongst mere man

You might see it not
But the image is so real
They live, sleep and breath with us
Doing their job tirelessly and without fail

They are angels that walk among man
Long forgotten from the place they call home
There are demons that share with us from the same plate
Secretly doing their own bidding

We see it not buy they are around us
Why they are here I will never tell
Why I may not speak is for you should know
That they are of our own creation

Locked in our minds, sometimes we hear
Other times we listen to them speak
Most of the time we are in conversation
But these spirits in our minds, know the way home



You are not invited
In this life that I live

You are not welcome
In this journey that I take

I wish to see my lifes successes
And you don't hold that space for me

So you are not welcome
In this journey I take

For I wish to make it home
But you keep me shackled in this prison

Your web of lies
Shall no longer entrap me here.

So you are not welcome
In this life that I live

You are not invited
In this journey that I take

For you are not of my family
So you could not be a friend of mine

So I cannot walk with you
For you will never lead me home


Thursday 12 February 2015

my guardian angel

She said smile
And I smiled

She said laugh
And I laughed.

Her wish is my command
She needs not ask
For I will gladly oblige

She is me
And I am her
But we are not us

For we are not lovers
Nor are we friends
We are merely one.

I love her like no other
She loves me like no other
We love each other like no other
We have never felt a love like this

This love is exciting
It is igniting
It is so ambient
Radiating from inside

I smile without fail
She smiles without fail
We smile without fail
Even though we are miles apart

I am her enchanting lover
She is my spiritual healer

My guide when I am lost
Just like I am her man when she needs.

She smiles, I smile
She laughs, I laugh

For I am her knight in shining armour
And she is my guardian angel.


Tuesday 10 February 2015

A friendly kind of love

I feel your smile in my heart
Its joy illuminates its darkness

I feel you pain in my heart
Your anguish, brings it to tears

I feel your love all around me
Though I have never had you near

I feel you without contact
For we connect through our hearts my dear.

This love is for the lonesome
For they need to know someone is there

And you are there for me
As I am there for you

We are united
We are one

Space could never divide us
As long as we know we are loved.


Monday 9 February 2015

What am I waiting for

What am I waiting for, to start
What am I waiting for, to begin

What are you waiting for, to start
What are you waiting for, to begin

What really is my problem
What really is it, keeping me

I can't help but question
Because it is a problem I feel

Deep down this is something
That I am trying to get to the bottom of quick.

Slowly I am standing up
Because I can feel I have long sit down

But first I am trying to figure out
What I am waiting for, to begin


All that i have

You are all that I have
And all that I have is you

You wouldn't ever get it when I talk
But what I talk about is for you

We are united
Separate is a lie

You, are the one who looks like me
And no one else

But yet you fail to see the connection
That you, are the one that I need

No longer can we go about life
Aimlessly lying to ourselves

When the truth is out there and we can see it
That you ate all that I have

None of you will ever get it
But you will claim to know it

Only because the way I say it
Is for you to question.

You are all that I have
Only because I human like you


We(all that we have)

You are all that I have
And I am all that you have

If what you got is not satisfying
Were else are you going to find something different

We are all one
Just separated by ideologys

We are all buy one
And a lot don't seem to notice it.

You are all that I have
And all that you have is me

We are human
Aren't we not

We are unison
Aren't we not

For if we ever are divided
Wouldn't we have been lost?



Me; me; me; me
I do this for me
I do this for us
For we are united
Not separate
Just separated.
Me; me; me; me
I'm proud to say its my turn
Not to say your time is up
But I also want to be free
I also want to be at peace
And all that joyous stuff.
Because it has never been about me
It has always been about you
And that never benefited us
No matter how hard we could try
It will never add up to us.
Me; me; me; me
Yes, you head me right
And if you can't stand the truth
Better start searching for were they lie

Me(me) 09/01/15

Each day

you learn something new
About yourself
About your friends
About your family
About the world
About everyone
About everything
And also about nothing.
We feel something new
About ourselves
About our partners
About our acquaintances
About our world
About our future
About our present
Not forgetting our past.
We loose something old
And gain something new
We learn about our faith
As we take time to believe
We have new hopes
As we dream new dreams.
Each day
Might not seem like much
Each day
You may not learn much
Each day
You may not feel any different
But funny how when you look back
You always seem to come from somewhere different
That is because
Each day
Is the moment we are judged with
Not the legacy we leave behind


Undying love

My undying love
Which never fades away
Like her candle at the windowsill
Which proves she still awaits me
Grows stronger the more I miss you

Even though I don't know you
Nor have I seen your face
If only I had the chance
To smell your radiance around me
Than I would know my search is done.

My undying love
Bleeds for your touch
Cries for you whispers
And grows lonesome
The more I am, with you

Search this world I will if I must
Just to have you by my side
Because I feel so bare
Your love without
But always clothed when you are around.

My undying love
Has seen me leave everything behind
For the hope that real love is out there
Just waiting for me to discover it
And cherish it like a lost treasure

For none I have ever found
That made my soul feel at peace
And my heart feel at home
No love have I found like it
And I will die searching for a love like it


Thursday 5 February 2015

My rock of ages

MY ROCK OF AGES. What can I do without you?
Where can I be without you?
Who can I trust more than you?
I can go around the world..
..and still find no one like you
I can pretend all day long..
..and still can't do without you
You have be there for me since my sunrise
On every birthday, you had a surprise
It was never easy for you when I went..
..out into the world
Fragile in the wild
I did a lot of crazy things
I crossed the line a thousand and one times
But still you had my back
You still showed me with the motherly love
You kept on preaching your proverbs
You felt my pain, you saw my joy
You sacrificed for me, even when I didn't see
To me and my sister, you are ever a star
Shining in our daily lives, never dim
You light our paths and rekindle our hopes
You will always be a shoulder to cry on
My rock of ages

By Matolo Kaylo jnr in Kenya

raising today's love generation

I love people
And for some funny reason
People have started loving me back

At first I wanted to know why
And How could this be
Then I remembered love is all around me
So how could I ever fail to be loved

I started loving myself
And the world started loving me back
For I love who I have became
And that is a loving entity

Love is my teaching
Love is my religion
It is my home
Its my sanctuary haven

I will plant its seeds in the hearts of men
And let it blossom in those who believe
And we shall turn the world around
For we are todays love generation


Wednesday 4 February 2015

Nako yame(full setwsana poem)

Ke emeletse
Ga nkitla ke emela ope

Ke emeletse
Ga nkitla ke dula ka marago

Ke emeletse
Mme ga ke buele morago

Ruri go tsamaya kego bona
Mme ke goyang game ke goitse

Wame mosepele ke wa botshelo
Gonne ke rula mo baswing

Mabane ya nna maloba
Tsatsi le mphirimetse

Ke ne ke robetse
Mme ke tsogile yanong

Ye ke nako yame
Ya go tshameka e fetile

Go gona nako ya go lebelela ko morago
Fa ko pele ele ko ke goyang

Ke ba gotle go tumelong
E tla nkgorosa ke goyang

Ba rata le ba sa rati
Mo ke botshelo jwame

Nako ye ke yame
Ke ya go dira se ke se batlang la yone


my time (English translation to "nako yame")

I have stood up
And I will wait for no man

I have stood up
And I will never sit down

I have stood up
And I am never going back on it

Truly to go is to experience
Though were I am headed I know not

My journey is for life
For I am waking from the dead

Yesterday became an aeon ago
As the sun set on me

I was asleep
But I am awake now

This is my time
Time for play has passed

Theres no time to look back
When forward is were I am headed

I want that I believe in
For it will get me there

Weather they love it or not
But this is my life

The time is mine
And I am going to do what I want with it



How God has saved me
I will never know

Why god has saved me
I may never know

But what I do know
Is that I still breath

That I am yet to seize
So I believe it is a sign

What I was yet to know
Why I am yet to see

Thats why I believe
For it must be for the best



Looking at yesterday
I can't help but smile
For my tomorrow
Is worthless
If I dont live today

Looking at yesterday
I can't help but smile
As I fall in love with my tomorrow
Because I choose to live today
And never give up on my success

My hopes and dreams
Give me that courage to move on
To do what I love
To always never give up
As I concentrate on my future

A tomorrow we are not promised
A yesterday we have all lived
Today is the day we are promised
And the moment we are to live
For that is the moment we are alive

Looking at yesterday
I can't help but smile at tomorrow
For I live my life today
And make an effort to make hay
For I still see the sun shining



Open your eyes and view the worlds splenders
Open you ears and hear all the worlds wonders
Igniting, exciting, exhilarating and breathtaking

Open your heart, and let the world in
Open your palms, and let the world feel you
Open your lungs, and let the world breath you

Open yourself to this world
Let its beauty serenade you life
And fill you with its unknown splenders

This world is mine
This world is yours
It works to feeds of us

We feed of it
We live in it
We are it

First we must believe
Believe in ourselves
Believe in each other

For we are one
We are united
Always connected

Like the lifes we live
Always depending on each other
For we are always united


A lie(travelling in the wrong direction)

What if this one direction
That we are travelling on
Is actually the wrong direction
That we should be travelling on

What if this light at the end of the tunnel
Is not the destination of our journey
But rather its ultimate demise
Who are we than to travel along its path

We know not what we preach
But still we preach with utter dexterity
Believe in it ourselves
That it is the ultimate truth.

What if this one direction
That we are hopelessly traveling on
Has long been prophesied before us
As the distraction of mankind

For we walk aimlessly trying to defend ourselves
And the actions that we do
But never taking the time to look back
And view the impact that it has

We are but organisms on this plane
But yet we feel as if we are Gods
While we still bow down and pray to a God
Than who are we to know what we don't

For we are born and raised
We are taught than praised
We learn through bruises and scrapes
So who ever decided the path is correct

A lot we know not
But plenty we feel we know
I would never lie when its not me
For I feel we are lost in our own translations

When are we going to find the path
When are going to see the truth for what it is
How long are going to live this life
Even when wefeel its all a lie


believe(in me)

I am not afraid to do it on my own
For I walk this journey alone

I am not afraid to wali alone
For who else will I blame

I walk through these perils of life
Like I walk through the shadows of death

I have no fear
Except of never having to try my hand

With luck I will succeed
But if I fail I will have had fear

Of venturing into the unknown
And leaving behind what is

I have faith in myself
And that is something I never had



A pen and a page
A blunt and a dream
My hope and my wishes
Thats my life in definition

I wish to change a few
And to grow a few more
I wish to add a few
And remove a few more

This is my life
This is how I live it
This life how I love it
But I am going to make the effort

Were I start I never know
But where it ends that is my dream
I know for that is my aim
And I am never going back on it


Terrorist of the truth

I am a terrorist
Here to terrorise
And bombard your mind
With the truth

I am a terrorist
Here to set you alight
Because you live in fear
And I am going to feed of it

I am free
I am awakened
And I am in control of my life
Thats why I am here to teach you

How to set yourself alight with knowledge
How to bomb yourself with the truth
You shall become an insurgent of life
Attacking all that isn't real

I am a terrorist of the truth
Here to set you mind ablaze
While your heart commits conscious suicide bombing
Killing all negativity in its path

I will never rest until the whole world knows me
And fears me for what I do
My terror attacks will be met with warfare
By those who wish never to be free



Slowly but surely everyday
I was falling asleep
And I did not notice it

Slowly but surely everyday
I was loosing it
And I did not do a thing about it

But my minds awake now
And I see more clearly
I hear without a sound

This is the life I created
My own bed of roses
And I am going to lay in it

I am not afraid
For fear lives not in me
And it can never control my mind

I am not weak
For I have the strength to carry on
The courage to rise when I fall

Truly I am awakened
For even when I sleep I am awake
And I see what they don't want me to see

Slowly but surely everyday
I was falling asleep
Until it was the time to get up

And now I am finally awake
And I am never going back to sleep
Because I am finally set free


my path

Walk your path
And I will walk my path
And were our paths meet
We will talk once we get there

So walk upon your path
And I will walk upon my path
And if they never meet
Than it was never meant to be


Tuesday 3 February 2015


Theories and ideologies
I have thoughts ruling me

From goals to dreams
Wishes are ruling me

But awake
From these lies that are binding me

For thoughts
Are no longer in control of me

So see
What my life is going to be

For I have let
The true guide guide me

So believe
For I am making it there

Because I believe
In where my emotions are taking me


asleep (awakened)

I do not believe that I was

But on the contrary I was asleep

Awakened! from this slumber I have
For now I see, even when there is nothing in sight

So asleep
Maybe it was the time

So that when I wake
I can get my job done

So asleep
I may have been

But now I am awake
And I don't have the time to fall back to sleep


the light(living under peoples shadows)

How long will I
Be living under peoples shadows
When mine follows me around

Everywhere I go
Everyplace I have been to
My shadow is always right behind me

Guess I have to follow it
Follow its example
And do things for me

No longer shall it be you
No longer shall it be us
For it is now time for me

This soul here
Has been lost for so long

Now it is finding itself
I am finding my way
I am finally doing things for me

And it is great
The feeling is awesome
I feel exhilarated, I feel rejuvenated

I feel so free
I feel at peace
This is me

This is who I was destined to be
I can hear the success calling me
Telling me I have made it

This is the final step
Even if I fall
I can crawl the rest of the way

For I see the light
Like a beacon of hope in front of me
Showing me I can make it there

That place that I wish to be
Is no longer so far away from me

So how long will I be living under peoples shadows
When they are blocking me from seeing the light
That is now in front of me


my books

I don't think about the past
I don't concentrate on the future
I make it a point to live my life today

No more shall I look backwards
No more shall I look forwards
When life is here today

Every breath that I take
Every step that I take
I will be living it

This is my life
And I make it a point to live it
The best way that I can

You might not like it
You might not agree with it
You might not accept it

But who are you to judge
Who are you to deny me the chance
Only because it doesn't conform by your way

Well this one is mine
I am carving it from scratch
And paving it with stone

Maybe along the way you may see
But for now all you see
Is your prejudiced opinion

That is not mine
That is not who I be
And that is not what I do

So starting from today
Starting from now on
I will always be first only in my books



In this world
With no place to go

On this earth
With only one place to go

Will I ever be found
Even though I ain't even missing
Will I ever be found

I know it sounds profound
But what is profound
Is what I am searching for


erL is(me)

ErL is
Not meaning I was dead

ErL is
For I was once asleep

ErL is
Because I was once he was once uninspired

ErL is
For I am


ErL is(Us)

ErL is me
ErL is you
ErL is us
For erL is everyone

We are human
We are united
We are related
So we are always connected

This is us
Who we be
How we live
So why do we segregate each other

We divide each other
With hopes to unite each other
But we are dividing each other
The more we are deny each other

ErL is hope
ErL is faith
ErL is destiny
For erL is us all

For I am human
We are human
Always united
Connected we be

That we cannot deny
For its who we are
Its our destiny
To once again be connected



Me me me me
Everybody is on about themselves
But what is the value of the word me
I mean
Everybody is on about themselves
Even when it isn't in the best interest of me
Like you to me, this author
Get it
People push agendas
Agendas are personal
And nothing personal
Is in the best interest of people
Believe it


lost(not found)

In this world
With no place to go

On this earth
With only one place to go

Will I ever be found
Even though I ain't even missing
Will I ever be found

I know it sounds profound
But what is profound
Is what I am searching for


me(the individual)

Like a leaf
Blowing in the wind
I hand no stand

Like a needle
In the middle of a haystack
I was never at home

Like the calm
Before the storm
I could feel my energy brewing

This is not me
This is not who I am
Or were I am going to end

I am not going to lie
I am not going to pretend
For I will be denying myself the truth

I am not home
I am not supposed to be here
When there is a whole new world out there

So I strive for change
So that I may know peace
And I may finally be free

From what is binding me
Free from what is holding me down

I do it for me
For that is who I am
Just another individual


Monday 2 February 2015

To hell and back

For my dreams
I would gladly crawl to hell and crawl back
With a smile on my face
Just to tell the devil that
No longer will I dance with him
Under that pale blue moonlight
When I got a life to live
Dreams to achieve
And goals to accomplish.
No longer will I
Play dice with my life
Like I was living of the odds
But when will they be even
Because the house has never lost
Meaning I will never win.
So for the success of my dreams
I would not only crawl to hell and back
But I would gladly wear a smug smile on my face
Because the devil is no friend of mine
And my future
Is mine to live if I wish



If its fuck me
Than its fuck you

For I will fight
But for more

For this is my life
And it is not yours

I will survive
No matter what

For I am human
And not a door mat

So I do things for me
And not for you

This is how to survive
This is how to live

This life is mine
And I am going to live it how I want

For I believe
I believe in me

And no one else


Friday 30 January 2015


I could buy you a thousand roses for valentines
But I just want to be the rose in your life

I could buy you all the chocolate for valentines
But I just want you to call me your chocolate

I could buy you all the langerai in the world for valentines
But I'd love it if you wore my love as your undergarment

I could do it all for you on this day
But what about the days that remain

I celebrate our love as long as we together
For its what makes the journey worthwhile

I am yours, you are mine
Together we form a unison of love

So I pray you see it for what it is
For the love I bring is the love I give

Not only to you
But to us as a couple

So trust that I will be yours
As long as you will be mine


A poets love

She said you will know
Once a poet is in love
You can tell their fears
All their pains and sorrows

Well I am not in love
But loved I will be
I am not afraid
For fear doesn't live inside me

Hope resides in me
Faith is my stepping stone
Believe in myself I must
For I must if I am to make it on my own.

I will strive for the change
I will strive to make that difference
For I am a changing
Changed would mean I succeeded

She never said she loves me
But show it she has
She never said she will be mine
But a place in her heart she has reserved

I am not in love
But loved I am
I hope it last
For I will love her with my heart.


Thursday 29 January 2015

these horns(why i wear them)

These horns that I wear
I got them as a gift
As much as it hurt
Grow them I had to

Gone to the dogs
No longer was my life
Until God said I could wake the devil
For no yin is without a yen.

These horns that I wear
I wear them for my ego
They feed it its strength
And they help it fight

Through the valley of the shadow of death I walk
With my horns held up high
I fear no evil
For evil fears me in return.

These horns that I wear
Give me a foul stench
Like the mark of the beast I wear it
Possessed by its very smell

I now know my strengths
I know also my weakness
For from the beginning I begun
To the end I shall make.

So these horns that I wear
I not only wear them with pride
They make my ego boastful
As it walks with a stride

But I have no fear of them
For I grew them with a purpose
Of letting all my skeletons in the closet
To finally come to the light.

Peace I will achieve
As I rise beyond this devil
He is no challenge
If from the darkness I had to reawaken once again...


these horns

These horns I wear
I got them as a gift
I wear them with pride
They will show you who I am

Once I called myself the devil child
But I let that devil die
So I could know peace
Not knowing were peace resides

I am none but a man
Choices I make seem stupid
But they don't change who I be
Because that is the truth inside

Mistakes I have made
Now I work to correct them
These horns that I made
Don't just make me evil

They prove that good exists
That evil is not a gift
But a choice
That we all have to make.

These horns that I wear
I got them as a gift
The giver of the gift
Is but since dead to me


Journey of a thousand paths

I walk a journey of a thousand paths
Each one true but none of them definite

I walk a journey of a thousand paths
All I do is walk down each path one step at a time

Weather i will I ever make it to the end or not
Matters not if I am not alive during the journey

I might come across many rivers
And jump many huddles

But none I will ever take away
For they make me who I am.

I travel a journey of a thousand paths
None of them more real than the other

The only true path lies in your heart
Only than can you say you have made it

For it beats for that sole purpose
And guides us to our destination

I believe in the beating of mine
The vibes that it gives

That is the energy I live for
For energy never lies.


waking up

I can't believe I let my brain rot
Without a care in this world
You could say I was partially brain dead

No activities happening
How was I living
I had fallen asleep

But I am awake now
And there is no time for sleep
Only time for working

A lot has to be done
But a lot has already been started
This journey is mine and ours

We will make it there
Above the wall
We will rise beyond expectations

They see us not
Even though they see us coming
We are invisible, but visible

We shall succeed
For we are destined for it
And they can't deny that

We are the indigo generation
We are the love generation
And we will create a better world



I once red a poem
That red me back

I once wrote a poem
That set me aback

To far away places it took me
But from the comfort of my own home

Now it urges me to push on
Like an itch scratched by movement

Stagnation makes it worse
Movement makes it better

So I choose to move
Everyday I take a step

And everyday I can feel it get scratched
I will make it there

Were I do not know
But what I will is the last time I scratch
For I will scratch no more



From humble beginnings
I aim to make it to the top
No more sitting at the corner
Thinking of my yesterday
Or praying for a tomorrow
While forgetting to live today

From humble beginnings
I will rise from the bottom
And climb to the top
Never shall I be arrogant
When I walk this journey alone
For my faith walks beside me

I do believe I will make it there
Because I have tasted success
And now my lips want more
Like a kiss from an angel
Or the warmth its hugs bring
I definetly will make it there

For I believe
I believe I will make it there
I have that faith
I have that faith that I will make it there
To that place that can't be named
But can only be searched for

Were it is found I cannot say
What I can say is were to start searching
And that is the heart
For the mind is divided about it
And will never agree about it
So the heart is were you place your trust, see

All you need is faith that you will make
And the believe that its for the best
There is no use hoping for a better day
When the power of change lays in your own hands
So I place my trust in my own hands
For only I know were I am truly headed


Wednesday 28 January 2015


Say goodbye to the old
And say hello to the new
How I do not know
But still
You have to work hard at it
For the more you do
The better you become at it
I do this for me
Never could it be done for us
If ever I could not be first.
My own smile is more important
Than that of another man
If I can't do it for myself
How am I ever going to do it for another.
So I chose to put myself first
Everyone one else shall come after
For I will have succeeded
Were most would have failed me
Thats why I am first
My happiness and joy
Are mine to deal with
So I expect no one
To give them to me
When I can't offer themselves to myself
By my own lonesome.
So all this is for me
But always done for us
For we are all one.

Us 28/01/15


I grew up without a father
I grew up without a grandfather
How it has affected me I will never know
Physically, emotionally,spiritually or mentally
There is a lot I will never know

No matter how hard I try
No matter how strong I can claim to be
I can even hide behind the truth
But it shall always be what it is
For a lot I lived without

The knowledge
Those teachings
That bit of effort
Could have done alot
But I had to do without

Lost I have gone on many occasions
Maybe they would have been there to find me
Lost I have gone without guidance
But I am slowly finding my way back
And I am doing something about it

To the future generations I will do my best
Without a mentor I will create
New teaching that will bind us
I have always been lost without them
Never shall you be because I am here

I will fight for the change
Because I know what it brings
The beautiful opportunities it brings
In me I you shall have that guide
That I never had

For I stand here correcting the wrongs
Of generations of man before me
Try without fail I will
Try without fail I must
For I will be setting my own example

And I don't want to set another mans
When I can set my own
Those who failed me shall cry
But those I will have the chance to affect
I will ensure they never forget what I did

I will sacrifice
Tooth and nail I will fight
But I will remain true
For an example I have to set
And I aim to set a new kind

I grew up without a father
I grew up without a grandfather either
I will not let my kids grow like me
For much I have to teach them
And I will be damned if I let another man do it for me


i believe ( in a love like this)

Thank you God
For showing me that I am nothing
No amount of joy
Could ever express how I feel
For through all the confusion
To know that someone cares
Is the greatest feeling on earth.
I smile without reason
Daydreaming of better days to come
How could this ever be
When at my lowest I used to feel
Now I am at the top
Because of the joy I feel
I am loved
Not by any other person
But by me
But the love I have since received
Is overwhelming to me.
Now I do believe
I do believe love will find you
Only if you keep the faith in what you believe
And I do believe
That this love is real
More real than any that I have ever felt.
On it I will believe
Because it doesn't hurt much to have faith
If it is what is going to get me through the day.
I believe
More than I have ever believed
For this love feels so real
How could it not
When I have never felt a feeling like this


i wish i could scream( how i feel)

She's the apple of my eye
My candy coated dream
For her I would gladly scream
At the top of my lungs I'd scream
This love is so exciting
The passion igniting
For her I would scream
Worse than in pain I would scream
For the love I have is unmeasurable
How could I ever weigh this feeling
Maybe if I screamed she would hear
But what am I going to say
What words will I speak
What emotion will I express
Happiness, joy, because I seem so contempt
I seem so contempt to let it all out
But how I do not know
For this love that I feel
I wish to express
But how I do not know
What I do know
Is that I wish to be free
Free from this burden
That seems to be weighing me down
As I wish to let it all out
Unleash all this love that i feel


the urge to speak

I have nothing to say
But still I feel I should speak

I have nothing going through my mind
But still my thoughts preach to me

Speak I must
Even if nothing I have to say

No sense it might make now
But that doesn't mean it won't tomorrow

For I could never make sense of yesterday
Until today was its tomorrow

So now I believe
For the future we may not see

But surely we can predict
If we let our hearts believe

In what it loves best
For it will guide us there


something to say

Somedays I have alot to say
Other days I have nothing to say

But yet I speak
For I speak from the heart

It feeds my soul
Gives it warmth

The strength to carry on
Even when there is nothing in sight

But still I see
For my heart is my guide

My words my very emotions
Heartfelt as they may seem.

Somedays I have nothing to say
Other days I have alot to preach

Not to say what I do say is worthless
For no word is worth less, than its definition

I use these words to explain life
To explain how I see it

So weather I write a novel
Or a little sonnet

I will write till my pen bleeds
And the friction makes the paper catch fire

Yesterday I wrote none
Tomorrow I will write none

For my pen only bleeds for today
For that is the moment in which I live


Tuesday 27 January 2015

This is love by Matolo Kaylo Jr in Kenya

They trudged on
In the scorching sun
Through dunes
Listening to desert tunes
She was going to be a mother
He had the faith
At the city, houses were full
Many being brought to the world
But only one to rule
The manger was their only choice
A cry of joy filled the universe
His humility attracted thousands
His omniscience surprised the masses
His selflessness saved all generations
Oh! What a joy!
Black and white rejoice
A chant of His holiness in every voice
Nations bow down before Him
For no other love could be this enough

 'Matolo Kyalo Jr' Kenya

I be

I might no be
The bravest of them all

I might not be
The strongest of them all

I might not be
The wisest of them all

But I am
An individual

That you cannot take it from me
And I will use it to my best ability

I do this for me
One day it will be for us

United we shall stand
Divided you shall fall

For I am me
And I will make it on my own

For I do everything for me
Never shall I do things for us

When it is in my best interest
To be an individual


I am

I am not a Christian
I am not a Muslim
I am not a Hindu
No am I Sikh or Buddhist
I am human
Spiritual in my faith
Not segregated in my believe
Never separated in my struggle
I am united
With what I believe
I am united
With all that is human.
Fear not change
For it is the only constant in life
Fear not
For you deny yourself
The chance to live
The chance to love
The chance to grow
And to be united
Because you chose a side
And I chose neither.
I am free
I am whole
I am united
For unity is my believe
Love my religion
Faith my stronghold
As I hope you open your eyes
And you may see
What I came to deliver.
A message of peace
A message of hope
A message of faith
Intertwined with believe
I came to sell you freedom
As I plant its seeds in the hearts of man
Those who believe
Shalt blossom flowers of life
In their very hearts
Only if you hold that space of faith
That you once held in your specific believe.
I believe in me
The power held by us
When we choose to be free
United in our thoughts
And not our believes
For they are segregated thoughts
Subject to separation
And never uniting us as humans.
I am an individual
And my faith
Will unite all those who will believe


Monday 26 January 2015

Thinking positively

I hold a place in my heart of shear pleasure
I hold in my heart a place for shear peace
Adamant with my smile so you see
Its growing stronger
With everyday that I believe

I believe it high time I set out to be free
Though freedom now lives in my heart
A few chains I have to break free
Unloosen their strong hold
So that I can be free
For I can feel it in my heart, freedom is calling me

I seek not the path of man
That is something that has to be seen
I seek the path of truth
And it is setting me free
No longer do I try
I just let it all be

This freedom exists not in my mind
It is grown in my soul
With the purpose of feeding my heart
And maybe with time it will help me
To achieve what is mine
Which is to finally be at peace

I seek for freedom of the heart
So I choose to be free
I seek freedom of the soul
So I could know eternal peace
As I fight, all of this negativity
I know I will make it, only if I remain thinking positively



I am indigo
Yes I know

I am the future
Yes I believe

I am the compass
That I now know

My soul purpose in this life
Is to exist as the guide back home

We are not kings
We are Gods

Infinite timeless beings of light
And that truth I am here to unleash

I will not fight
But my warfare shan't be swift

Though it shall be precise
Never shall it be quick

You shall learn
As with time you will believe

Love is the way out
And I have started feeding it to me

It raises me up high
Even when I kick myself down

It is unmeasurable
Infinite is its light

Yes I do believe
I believe it

I will fight
Through the warfare of life

I will transcend this ego
I will be light

I have felt its freedom
So as I fight

I will teach
You will learn

We shall succeed
Because this fight is for us

We are in this together

Never forget that
For that, is the simple truth

I am indigo
Yes I know

I am the future
Yes I believe

I hold the key in my heart
That I know

And as I live
That is the teaching I will give


Angel in your life

The angel in your life
That is not I
Though I shall bare gifts
That you will never see with the naked eye
For I will touch your heart
I will speak with your soul
But I will never rescue you from the perils of life
No mere solution I have for I am man too
And I walk this path with you
Though you search for endless riches
The riches I seek live in the heart
No price on it have I ever seen
But even friendship has a price tag these days
I cannot believe it with my eyes
The real I see and when free my possessions I will give
I got no love for this material life
I am at peace with the knowledge of this earth
The beauty that is in this life.
The angel in your life
That is not I
Maybe one day you will see
That not all angels fell from sky



I grow a place in my heart
We love exist

It cannot be bought
Because I grow it with peace

There grows are place in my heart
Were all love resides

This place I grow for me
So that we can live in

It is my house
Our home

Home of love
A house of peace

That lives within me
But accommodates everyone around me

No rent you shall pay oh brother of mine
Because here, the rent is free

The food is free
And were wear nothing but love around our souls

I grow a place in my heart
Were love exist

Right now it cannot accommodate one
But it is never full enough not to accommodate another one

This place is for me
This place is for you

This place I build for us
Because we all need that place were we are more than home


Sunday 25 January 2015

freedom (is calling my name)

I hear freedom calling
It is calling my name

What kind of echo is this
The feeling is so deafening

I can't hear myself speak
Let alone hear my own thoughts

I must be in heaven
Maybe if I tuned in like a radio antenna

I could learn to be free
Because it is all that I dream of


Saturday 24 January 2015

ascension calling

Transcending my own low vibratory thoughts for a higher self that is `I` this universal infinite being that is existent here. It shall be done, tooth and nail I will fight, but it shall be done, for enlightenment is my dream, than it would have to be seen that it can be achieved for it is out of who I be that I cry for this freedom, freedom, yes this illusive beast that we let run free though we let other man run amok with our lives in hopes that they will guide us to it, it, how can it be achieved if ever we are afraid of achieving it ourselves. How could this be, how could it ever be, or am I lying to myself again, but that could not be, because the more I search the more I do become free. I will make for I am searching for it for myself but from no word that any human speaks too because I am a human myself and I do this for me. Me, this soul and entity you see hear


Friday 23 January 2015


I thought I was strong
But I am weak

I thought I could move on
But I still look back

I thought I could make it
Guess I lied

I need peace
Were can I find closure

How do I great the harmony
When I am not free

I walk this earth like a lost soul
Searching for an illusion called happiness

But I believe
That's why I keep searching

Searching for my destiny
Like I was going to find it here

Maybe its time I moved on
And went my own way

I thought I was strong
But weakness is still within me

I will make it the more I try
For I get stronger with each step I take


a gift(for my woman)

Am I the man you want
Could I be the man you need

Am I Mr right
Could I ever be the man of you dreams

Oh please tell me if I could ever
Be the man that you wish for

No roses I carry for they will wilt and die
So I will plant a garden for you to see their beauty

No chocolate I bring for it might melt on my way
So I will always be the sweet taste in your mouth

No amount of money will I give you
For I will be the one of value on your life

Am I the man you want
Could I be the man of your dreams

Tell me now so I can bring you me
The only gift that you will ever need


let me touch you

Let me kiss you slowly
From the neck past your belly button

Let me touch you
In every place you wish

Let me undress you
As I stroke you gently

Let me pleasure you
Satisfy you like no man could

I will take my time
There is no need to rush

You are here
As well as I am

Lets let our love guide us
As we enjoy every moment slowly

Giving each other the kind of love
That has never been experienced

Let me take you to far away places
As you let your mind wonder

I am here for you
If you will be here for me

Our love will guide us
To were we have to be

So let me kiss you slowly
From the neck past your belly button

Let me touch you girl
Sensually so you can feel what I feel

The love that I bring
You will never experience again

For I am here for you
As long as you will be there for me


silance(the universe is speaking)

Silance, the universe is speaking
Though its voice is silent
Hush, for you might not hear it
Only to wonder around aimlessly
Looking for the advice you did not hear

Listen, for the universe is speaking
No voice it has but still it communicates
With me it has long since gone silent
But today I hear it clearly
For I see the signes it has left me

We speak but never listen
We listen to what will never be spoken
Open our eyes it is yet to be seen
That the signs are in front of us
No longer shall we be silenced

Hush, for the universe speaks
It communicates wish us
Like sign language to the deaf
See what we must
And comprehend that its what makes us human

The nature to love
And the capability to destroy
We hear not our inner voice
For we wish to only listen to our external
Though it has never brought us nothing but misery

From today I vow to be silent
So I can hear the universe speak
And when I do speak
I will speak in the language of it
So I can appeal to all man

Iregardless of race or nationality
The universe speaks to us all
It is within us all
And if we could all be silent
Maybe we could hear what it is saying



I have found happiness
In the form of a shadow
Trapped in a bottle
And far flung into the ocean

I have found happiness within me
Cast light on it have I
Only for it to disappear
Like the illusion that is peace

Peace, of mind
Peace, of heart
Peace, of soul
I will be at peace

For what I found is real
It lives within me
Growing strong like a demon
This time I will control it

For stronger is I
From the first day I saw it
Stronger is I
From the first day I felt it

Now I harness its power
I grow it within me
As I grow along with it
Happiness shall be abound

I've found happiness in the form of a shadow
Trapped in a bottle of illusions
Far flung into the ocean like a demon
But swim have I in search of it

And I have succeeded in reaching the shores
That it has beached itself at
For freedom is abound
Only if I could find that peace within me



A tear a day
Makes the fear go away
But as the tears roll down my face
Know that they are not tears of joy or pain
And they are not fake for they are the tears of loss
I have lost my well being on earth
For the only person I cared for
My real reason for living on earth
Has left my side
Stopped the relationship that was meant to be
No one can replace what I have lost
There might be plenty of fish in the sea
But for every catch you make, there is always a difference
You were the difference in me
You changed me from a player
To a gentleman and a lover
I became a player hater
But now you are gone
And I need you back in my life
For my heart bleeds for you
Mistakes I have made
And I feel bad for what I done to you as my love
I broke your heart and threw it in a bottomless pit
Now I make you sick while at first I made you fit
Know that I will always love you and no one else
Together forever the love will never stop

layzie king

Seven layzie kings
Sit around their round table
Doing nothing is their job
For they are the layzie kings

The first is the strongest of them all
Too bad he is too layzie to do anything
The second is the toughest of them all
No matter how hard you hit he stands still

The third is the craziest
He should never be touched
The fourth is the smartest
At any time he can solve any problem

The fifth is the slickest
He could sell you without a thought
The sixth is the criminal
Never to be messed with

The seventh is the most different
He posses all the others powers
And also has his own, the power of charm
With this he can make a chick fall

Out of these seven layzie kings
I am the seventh
Invested in me is a lot of power
That I have to use

good man

I would rather be a good man
Than a great king
I would rather be known for good deeds
Than the greatest deeds

Better a man
Than a king
Better a person
Than royalty

Judge me not for my choices
But rather of my deeds
For you judge
And I judge not

I would rather be a good man
Than a great king
I would rather be humble
Than revered for great deeds

I am man
I am individual
And my accomplishments
A not a fluke

I do them for me
I am building my own legacy
From the greatest
I just want to be remembered

So I would rather be a good man
Then to be known as a great king
I am nothing but a man
And will never be nothing more


Thursday 22 January 2015

this Virtual love

This virtual love
Can it be real
Or any more unreal
Than real love

This virtual love
Is what I feel real
Or just a facade
Because you are not real

With touch we learn
What truly connection is
With sight we see
What words can't see

So I wish not to be programmed
To be connected to feel things
Waiting for uploads to see things
This love couldn't be real

So this virtual love
That they got us living
Is something we have to stop doing
And rivert back to real living
Because that's true only real loving

So this virtual love
Is going to stop here
For we are going to see it
Is nothing but a lie

A lie to keep us apart
When we could be connected
Without WiFi signals
Through actual living

This virtual love
Is not real love
Because real love
Involves actually feeling


Hurt people

Hurt people hurt people
Loved people love people
Because they return those feeling

Only two emotions ever exist
There is love, and there is fear
All others a because of feeling these

So I wish to no longer hurt people
Because they in turn hurt other people
Creating a vicious cycle of hurt

So I am learning to love people
In hopes they will love more people
And start a love generation with me

Hurt people hurt people
And its all a choice to hurt someone
So it would be seen that we can decide not to

Loved people love people
Like Jesus or Buddha
They taught it in their teachings

We see it not for we are raised by hurt people
And all they teach is how to hurt people
And never how to love them

I am man
And I can't love a whole population
But me loving you helps you love more people

So lets stop all the hurting
And lets start loving
For it will cure this fear in us



Don't feed me the bullets to destroy myself
Don't give me the rope to hang myself
Rather give me the opportunity to lift myself

Don't give me a hand when you kick me down
Don't look me down because you have kicked me down
Only time should be when you lift me up

Build me rather than destroy me
Guide me rather than misguide me
Teach me rather than cripple me

I am you
You are me
We are one

United we could stand
Through division we fall
Lets work to stand tall

Don't feed me the bullets to destroy myself
When you can feed me courage rise
When you can be my rock when I need one

Don't give me the rope to hang myself
When you can turn it into a ladder to pull me up
Hoisting me up high like the flag that I am

Please give me the opportunity to rise myself
So I can rise to my highest of capabilitys
And be the shining star that I am

Help me up
When you see I am down
For one day I will help you

I am man
We are human
So let's scratch each others backs

Micasa is sucasa
In this tit for tat world
Never forget that



Loneliness grips my heart
And fills it with sorrow
How long will I be alone
When there is a world out there

How long shall I walk alone like a wolf
Before I can start building a pride like a lion
I am a beast when it comes to my job
But I am stillstill and could do with a companion

I am a lover, not a fighter
I am a hustler, not a dealer
I am a human, not a machine
So thus I could do with a companion

So how long will I walk alone
When there is a whole civilisation
Hearts open ready to love
Question is which is going to love me

Me, this lonesome heart hear
That wishes to be a knight I shining amour
How long should I walk alone
Before I could find myself a partner


regret not and love forever

What is love but an overrated feeling
A virtue that is not present in all hearts
But only those with the will power and strength
To give it away may know how it feels
To love, for in return you receive back that same love
But its the love of another heart
That is going to fill the space
Left by the love you gave
Love is what fills a heart
Makes it beat
And pumps the blood
Lost love can never be regained
But by giving the last one has
They can receive more than they bargained for
Love is always and will always be present in a heart
Brocken or not the love will always be there
I do not need to explain this
The love you loose is less than the love you gain
So if you give your partner all you have
They in turn will give their all
But to the receiver it is going to feel like it has doubled
For it replaces the love you gave
Regret not and love forever
That is my motto in life
Always has and always will be until my final breath
I will always live by this and die peacefully in with it in my heart

what do you say?

Beauty is a gift given, never capable of being taken. Use it to tour advantage. I ain't got nothing but love for you because of the way you stepped up to me

You asked a question, than another question. The third a reminder, the forth a heartbreak. Eish, why you have to see I am a changed man, I can't play like that

Intermission. "A wondering mind usually does not like the answer it gets. So ask a question and expect to get an answer. Sometimes unclear but at the end of the day answer

She said she was my junior, buy now! Ahh! She looks like a senior, how beautiful she has turned out. Too bad a year ago I would be quiet to hala, but not today

The world revolves, we shall meet, so o have not hot defeat, I just wish you can just chill, take your time, the world still has a lot. Go a step at a time

So in a world filled with rappists, murderers, conman, corrupt leaders, hypocrit elders, global warming, economic crisis, swine flu, Ebola, and many more troubles, have a nice day.

Wednesday 21 January 2015

walk with me

Walk with me
Into the light I will guide
Walk with me

Through these dark times I will guide
I will be your rock in trying times
In me you have found your guide

Walk with me
Through the perils of life
Hand in hand as we stride

Walk with me
Be a part of my life
Together we shall fight

For we shall not hide
Lovers we'll be
Lovers of the light

So walk with me
Into the bright light
As I promise you freedom

Freedom of the heart
Peace of the soul
And harmony of the mind

So walk with me in these trying times
No hero am I in you eyes
But to you I will be a knight shining armour

In you I will confide
My strengths shall turn to weakness
For in you I will die

I will die
For I will turn into the light
So walk with me into the light

Walk with me into the light
Walk with me in this journey of life
And I will always live in your heart

Your mind shall kpeace
You shall live in harmony
For you will be free

Free in the light
The weight on your shoulders lifted
Walk with me and never die

But live in eternal peace
Peace and harmony
Harmony that is eternal freedom


these tears

These tears I shed, I shed because of fear
This pain I have, I have because of my tears
This loss I feel, I feel because of my pain
When shall it ever go right
Or has it always been right, just viewed wrong

I shed tears in fear for I am alone
It pains me for these tears shed on their lonesome
Without you, I have a deep hole in my heart
Your loss is like Gotham without batman
When shall you ever truly be mine

Though here, I feel you are too far
Though Near, see you from afar
Even if I hear, no sound I compute
Its like silence of the lambs, but at a rock concert
How can this be, maybe my eyes are wide shut

I am in pain
I have a fear
I feel a loss
That is why I shed a tear
These are my emotions

Take away my pain, and say you will love me
Ease my fear, and say you will never leave me
Fill my loss, with your ever enchanting beauty
For only then will I not shed these tears
Because I love thee, thy beautiful sweets


my tears

He cries, for his heart is Brocken
He sobs, for his world is crushed
He hides, for he wishes no one to see
He's lost, for his compass is Brocken

Is the no cure for his soul
An antidote for his ailment
A remedy for his despair
Or prescription for his pains

He walks this world alone
Facing a future of stories untold
With a scar in his heart
And a limp in his stride

In shatters is his ego
Agony is his emotion
Bruised is his pride
In tarters be his soul

Bury not a man in so much pity
Sentence him to oblivion
Give him not a knuse to hang himself
Nor give him more to commit a crime

Free from bondage he may be
Only loneliness he may feel
Give him back his glory
Give him back his smile

my happiest self

What makes me happy
I have never really known
But I have went in search of it

It, that is not even know
Its funny how I went about my life
Thinking that I can actually find it

Well I know now its a lie
Its a lie because I have not found it
Only because I have never known what it is

So today I ask myself
In hopes that I will have an answer
And maybe this time around I will find it

It, that can't be named for it is not known
Shall be what I search for
Only when I can give it a name

So truly what makes me happy
What makes me smile
And brings tears of joy to my eyes

What appeals to my ear
As it speaks to my heart
Maybe its sound I could hold near

What taste excites my tounge
So I could feed it to my heart
And eat till my hearts content

What ignites my senses with feeling
What textured cloth could it be
Tell me oh heart of mine so I can wear it right here

What smell could it be
That my nose could do not without
And like a perfume I will wear it all around me

Truly what makes me happy
So that I can go out insearch of it
In order to always be my happiest self


Feel(no apolgys needed)

You don't have to apologise for doing what you feel
But they make it out like it has to be

I wish to be free
So I am not going to apologise for it

The hate I will take
After that I will forget

I will not just forget
But I will forget them that hated on me than

No more shall I live my life on your terms
No longer will I not do me

A crime it shall always be called
But who is going to prosecute me

No harm has ever come around
Unless you don't want me to be me

If you can see it in my eyes
Than you would understand that this is who I be

I am man, I am bold
I have no fear for I believe in me

Except if I am turned out to be a monster
When it is always about me

Me, yes I am not afraid to say it
And never ashamed to be

It is never a crime to be you
Just like how you should never apologise for how you feel


power of love(loving thyself edition)

If I sold my soul than fine
They can keep it
As long as i have my heart
I will live
Live until my hearts content
I will live
Because its the one thats real
That they cannot change
That they will never deal in
Because its too strong
To it the mind is weak
And it can be bought
Moulded into a tool even
But you can't buy a heart
A humans soul yes if 'they' believe
But never a heart
Because it is unpredictable
I live through mine
I let it guide me
Love is my ruler
Love is my religion
It is self taught
No one ever tells it how to feel
Nor how to feel love
So if I sold my soul
Than they can gladly keep it
Because it means I didn't need it
But my heart I do
For it sets me free
Like an unseen clause
The fine print in the contract
So believe it you must
Or deny that its not real
But love is my teaching
And I will give it to thee
Though I still have to give some to myself
For I had denied myself love
But always gave it away freely
But it has to be seen
That from today I spread some on myself
Because I believe
I believe in the power of love
And the evil in me
Hates that I am aiming it at myself
