Wednesday 18 February 2015

Never look back

I will never look back
You have to believe me when I say
Because life is all that I have
And it is a forward moving journey

The past doesn't serve as a reminder
Thats why I don't love there no more
The future shall always be a mystery
Thats why I don't live for it

I work on my present life
Each day o tilt the soil of life
Making hay on this day and time
As I plant seeds for my future

This journey of life is mine
And I am going to live it
Whoever shall walk with ke
Shall travel with le to the light

For o heard freedom calling my name
Heaven, I shall make it there
And my soul shall finally know peace
As I finally rest in my spiritual home

This is a journey of the soul
My belief centres in my heart
This life is all I have
Though I have no fear of loosing it


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